Chapter 5

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"Rin...wake up..."


"I have something for you..."

Rin rubbed his eyes, brushing the hair out of his face. Opening his eyes, he looked up to see one large plate of food on his bedside table. The plate was filled with chicken katsu, deep fried tempura shrimp, tuna sushi, rice and a small salad. Rin's eyes grew wide as he looked up at Haru.

"I didn't want it to get cold," said Haru, taking a few steps away from the bed.

" didn't have to..."

"It's no problem, I needed something to do anyway,"

"...You know, you don't need to...stay..."

"Rin, it's ok," said Haru, impulsively touching Rin's hand.

Rin looked down at Haru's hand, then back at the food.

"I'll go run a bath for you," said Haru, walking toward's Rin's bathroom, leaving Rin alone in his room. Rin shook his head and began to eat.


After Rin finished his food, he sat on his bed, reading an english magazine about swimming he had apparently taken from Australia. Just then, Haru came in and said, "The bath is ready."

Rin groaned and said, "I don't think I have the energy to get to the bath, let alone take a ba-" Haru cut in by grabbing Rin's arms and pulling him off the bed. 

"Oi, Haru, what do you think-"

"You're taking a bath, Rin," said Haru, pushing him into the bathroom.

"And how will you know if I even took a bath?" asked, Rin, making a face.

"I'll watch you. Now take your underwear off."


"Take 'em off. I'll turn around, you take them off and get into the bath."


"Why are you yelling."

Haru then turned around and didn't say any more. Making an angry pouting face, Rin stripped off his boxers and got into the tub.

"There. Are you happy now?"

Haru turned around to see Rin's grumpy face peeking out from a ton of bubbles. He couldn't help but break into a slight smile.

"What are you smiling at,"

"Don't snap at me, Rin. You look cute," said Haru, betraying himself with his words. He began to blush.

Rin, noticing, began to turn red as well, hiding his face in the bubbles. Haru walked over to the tub and without even asking began to wash Rin's hair.

"Oi, Haru-"

"Shhhh. Remember? You're sick. You have a fever," said Haru, showing a tender, soft side of him Rin had never seen before.

Opening his mouth to say somthing but deciding not to, Rin closed his eyes and relaxed in the refreshingly cold bath.

Much to Rin's supprise, Haru was very gentle with his hair, massaging his scalp with the shampoo on the edge of the tub.

"...Your hair is really soft..." said Haru, still blushing. Rin didn't know how to react to that, so he just leaned back into Haru's hands and attemped to relax his tense muscles.


When Rin opened his eyes, most of the bubbles were gone. Eyes wide, he turned around to see if Haru was still there, but to his relief he was no longer present. Getting out of the tub, he looked at the wall clock by the mirror.

"Holy shit, it's 8:30!" exclaimed Rin, putting on a fresh pair of underwear and his pajama pants that had tiny sharks all over them.

Opening the door, he found Haru sitting on his bed leafing through all the books on his shelf.

"Hey. Dolphin Dong,"

"You feeling better?"

Rin said nothing as he jumped into bed right next to Haru. Haru turned a dark shade of red and looked down at where Rin's hip was touching his own hip. Rin looked over at the book Haru was browsing through.

"Anatomy of Sharks?" asked Rin.

"Just looking through all your books. This is one of the better ones,"

 "Ah," said Rin, closing his eyes and resting his head on Haru's shoulder. Haru looked over at Rin, cheeks turning almost the color of Rin's hair. Haru had a sudden urge to embrace him, to place his lips on to of Rin's, but he was too afraid. Instead, he rested his head on Rin's and breathed in the scent of his just washed hair. Closing his eyes, he sighed and drifted off into a dream-filled slumber.

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