SCP-0741, The Librarian

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Object Class: Safe/Keter

Description: SCP-0741 is a young 16 year old human teenager with a average style hair, clothes that the manufacture being [DATA EXPUNGED], but its most unique feature are its eyes, one seeming to contain an actual star inside, and the other, an oceanic blue glint mixed with red. 

SCP-0741 is always seen having a smile on its face, never once has it shown any ill will towards the staff or even D-class personal who meet it.  SCP-0741 has a certain special ability, it can somehow feel any kind of pain, trouble, depression or any kind of negative emotion inside of Cartoons, Video games, Anime, Books, Videos, Etc.   

Once it has a lock on one of these categories, SCP-0741 will then emit a blinding, but not eye covering light, letting whoever watches see a character in the category literally appear out of the fictional world and into the real world.  It is to be noted that SCP-0741 Favors the Video games [DATA EXPUNGED] and [DATA EXPUNGED], along with the book series [DATA EXPUNGED] since it seems to relax SCP-0741 seeing and helping the very same Characters that helped the Characters are connected to SCP-0741 is unknown.

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-0741 is to be kept in a standard room looking cell, cameras set up around SCP-0741 to record and take note on anything new.  In addition, any staff or personal who are seen hurting or wanting to kill SCP-0741 will be terminated immediately, either by the guards or by its other ability, see note 56-3 for details.

Notes: [Audio log With SCP-0741 and [DATA EXPUNGED]

"How have you been 0741?"

"Oh come on!  You said you'd use my name this time!  How can I answer your questions if I'm not human? "

"Did I? I seem to have forgetten~"

"Mmm...Don't make me call on [DATA EXPUNGED] again, you know how she gets with you messing with me"

"Apologies, I couldn't help pulling your leg...[DATA EXPUNGED]"

  "There we go, It's more human calling my name than number isn't it?"

"Yes...yes it is"


  "So, When did you realize you had this power?  And what happened to you during it?"

  "That's the thing Doc...It just happened, one minute I'm doing my duty as a soldier, about to be blown up, closing my eyes and waiting for the explosion...but it didn't come.  I opened my eyes and...I was in the middle of this huge library...just me...all of a sudden...I could hear what each book was telling me, sounds of excitement, I was the first guy these books seen in ages"

  "Interesting...this...Library, do you have access to it?"

  "Oh I wish I did, but no, I hate to be a broken record, but it just happens, I'm doing something and poof, I'm at that maze of shelves and books begging me to read them, they do have good stories though"

" nothings changed huh?"

"Not from what I could tell, except She's becoming overprotective of me ever since that last containment breach, can't complain though, it's nice having a red eyed, chocolate loving beauty like her.  Speaking of which, Doctor, you might wanna stand up and take two steps to your left." 

The Doctor didn't hesitate, standing up and moving to his left just in time as a knife could be seen plunged in the chair where he sat, security alarms immediately start blaring as a Task Force rushes in and points their weapons at the now two beings, SCP-0741, and SCP-0741-1, with the second standing protectively infront of 0741, knife in hand.  The Researching Doctor sighed, gathering his notes and looking at the two.

"You really need to tell her that the SCP Foundation will keep you both safe"

"Hey!  I do, but-"

"I wouldn't trust you with my Partner if the sun turned traitor on us...You're lucky enough he even agreed to stay here, more so that he's not fully using his power"

"[DATA EXPUNGED]!  Please stop! You'll get shot again!  I can't keep seeing that you know!"

0741-1 looked at him...and lowered her knife, letting them both be taken back to their containment chambers, the researcher adds further notes to his already existing ones.

'SCP-0741 still friendly and open as ever, yet still unsure about the Library that summons it.  Still testing on 0741-1, but inability to due to 0741 being the only exception.  No real problems again'

The Researcher walks to his office, opening it, walking inside and locking it shut.  Going to his drawer, he pulls out a different pen and begins to write down something, but what he's numbers...invisible numbers...

While riding, the view changes...the researcher if able to see...

"This Library...Is it being created...if who...?"

032 084 111 032 097 110 121 111 110 101 032 102 105 110 100 105 110 103 032 116 104 105 115 044 032 076 105 115 116 101 110 032 119 101 108 108 044 032 116 104 105 115 032 098 111 121 044 032 083 067 080 045 048 055 052 049 032 104 097 115 032 116 104 101 032 112 111 116 101 110 116 105 097 108 032 116 111 032 117 110 108 101 097 115 104 032 097 110 032 101 110 100 032 111 102 032 116 104 101 032 119 111 114 108 100 032 115 099 101 110 097 114 105 111 044 032 098 117 116 032 105 109 112 111 115 115 105 098 108 121 032 119 111 114 115 101 046 032 065 108 116 104 111 117 103 104 032 104 101 032 105 115 110 039 116 032 107 110 111 119 110 032 111 102 032 116 104 105 115 032 102 097 099 116 044 032 116 104 101 114 101 039 115 032 110 111 032 100 111 117 098 116 032 116 104 097 116 032 104 105 115 032 112 097 114 116 110 101 114 032 107 110 111 119 115 032 097 108 108 032 111 102 032 105 116 044 032 116 104 101 032 048 045 053 032 067 111 117 110 099 105 108 032 104 097 115 032 098 101 101 110 032 100 101 098 097 116 105 110 103 032 119 104 101 116 104 101 114 032 116 111 032 108 101 097 118 101 032 104 105 109 032 097 115 032 105 115 044 032 111 114 032 116 111 032 119 101 097 112 111 110 105 122 101 032 104 105 109 044 032 116 104 105 115 032 099 097 110 039 116 032 104 097 112 112 101 110 044 032 116 104 105 115 032 108 105 098 114 097 114 121 032 110 101 101 100 115 032 116 111 032 098 101 032 097 099 099 101 115 115 101 100 032 115 111 111 110 046 032 065 110 100 032 116 111 032 116 104 101 032 099 114 101 097 116 111 114 044 032 073 032 105 109 112 108 111 114 101 032 121 111 117 046 046 046 115 116 111 112 032 119 104 105 108 101 032 121 111 117 032 115 116 105 108 108 032 099 097 110

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