Chapter Four~ After effects of alcohol.

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Heyyy Lovelies!! SOOOO SORRY I haven't updated this story for SOO long! Internet has been so slow lately so I'm updating This at my school ^.^ I hope you all haven't forgotten me entirely and this story!! Just 4 YOU THERE IS A BIG PLOT HIT IN A CHAPTER SOON!!

The next chapter will need 14 votes and Comments :-) It will be the last Toll thing For now :)  (I say for now cause I cant see the future :P) I love youuuXxx Btw sorry for not Updating. I really wanted to find some music inspirations.. For those who read my thing asking for One Direction Questions It won't be in this chapter..

Without a further adue Heres Chapter 4!!


Chapter Four~ After effects of Alcohol.

Have you ever had  those moments when you're sleeping and you feel like falling and then you suddenly wake up? Well I just had that.

I sat up to find myself in Harry's room, "Phew, It was all a dream." I said, releaving myself. I slept throughout the whole night and into the morning. The blizzard, The alcohol, the kisses. All a dream. The immages were so vivid, and the emotion were so life like. I couldn't help but to laugh at my foolishness. Of coarse it would be a dream.

"Morning beautiful." A deep musky voice said, I turned to find a messy haired, naked man laying next to me, my heart froze and my lungs refused to breath.

"H-harry what am I doing in your bed? and why are you next to me naked?" I managed to say, waiting for a reply all I got from him was a cheeky smile.

"Don't you remember El?" He asked with a hint of humor in his tone, I shook my head violently like a little child denying something. My head felt heavy and each movement felt like hammers in my brain. Harry pelted out a loud chuckle. "We slept together."


"Louis, tell me again why are you in my medicine cabinet?" I asked raising an eyebrow at the sleep deprived 20 year old, he has not stopped looking for drugs ever since he came into my flat, yesterday.

"I told you before Li, I'm finding my missus some headache pills." He replied "She got a headache and I gave her some heavy sleeping pills, her head must hurt from that fall"  I worry for that boy. Usually sleep is the best cure for a headache. My phone rang and like a metal with a magnet I came crashing into the phone. (Not litterly)

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey this is Simon, you have an interview tomorrow just letting you know, I have to make this phone call quick, I have a meeting now I will get someone to text you the time and place, bye." The line cut off before I could say anything else.

"UH I GIVE UP! I'M GOING BACK TO MY ROOM!" Louis shouted and stormed out of the appartment.

--Ella again ^.^--

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN WE SLEPT TOGETHER!" I shouted and ran to the corner of the room, Harry stood just metres away arms up to defend himself from me throwing stuff I could find at him. "IS THAT A SICK JOKE!" He couldn't help but to smile and laugh. "what" I asked, tired of shouting.

"I'm not jokeing, we did." He smiled. "You're the one who suggested it in the first place." My cheeks flushed slightly red as his gaze intencified on my face. Why does he have this effect on me.

"Did I now? HA!" I spat sarcasticaly, secretly scared if we actually did... you know.. Because I am naked and holding a blanked against me with one arm.. NO Its only a coincidence.

Before Harry could respond we wer interrupted with noises in the enterance of Harry's door.

"Guys I'm Back!" Lou shouted, barging into the room with a loud bang, causing me to cup both my hands over my ears, dropping my blanket. I could see Louis' eyes on me, His mouth gawked open and his eyes were in horror and in shock. Does he think? OH NO.

So Sorry for a VERRY late Update and in return a short chapter. I will try and Update more quicker and do longer chapters. I just needed some creative time off.. If that  makes sence o.O

Again I need 14 Votes and Comments :) Please forgive me xoxoxoxooxxo and my horrible spelling.

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