Chapter Two

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Here Is Chapter Two As Promissed :D

For Chapter 3 I need 6 votes and 6 comments xxxx


Sharlene xx

"Mum. I wont be coming back anytime soon." I said into my IPhone as I crack my back.

"WHY NOT! WHERE ARE YOU???" She shouted- loud enough that I had to pull away the phone from my ear and wince in the slight stab of pain.

"I’m in London." I crinkled my face when I said London, getting ready for the shouting fest that is about to occur.

"Okay Be careful. Send me photos and text me what your doing. Have fun." I was surprised at her response. "Oh Yer... REMEMBER SAFE SEX AND NO REGRETS!!" Now that sounds like her. I giggled and sighed. I wont be seeing Mum for a while.

"I Love you." I said with a grin on my face.

"I Love you too." Someone said from behind me as they pulled me into a seductive embrace from behind with their hands on my Hips.. I guess its Lou.

"Ella Who’s that?"

"I gotta go now mum Bye!" I felt lips on my cheek as I hung up the phone. I really shouldn’t do this, letting Louis kiss me so passionately.. It’s a form of cheating but without knowing your cheating, so it’s... Blind cheating! I feel soo sorry for Eleanor. Turning around to face Lou with his hands still on my hips I can’t look up to his face. The word 'Hoe' comes to my mind every time I ponder about why I'm here.

"Wots wrong El?" he asked, I can't tell him. Need to think of something. Anything! I fake yawn.

"Nothing, Just a bit Jet lagged." I smile sweetly at him and jump into the van. Great Lie Ella!

The flight was horrible. Despite being in first class with the worlds Sexiest boy band One Direction and being instantly adopted into their world. I felt guilt pile on the longer I talked to them. I still cant believe Harry kissed me. Louis thinks I’m THE real Eleanor Calder and tries to do The unspeakable with me. I know I should be Happy being with them and being able to snog a band member, but I'm not, I have to pretend to be someone I have never met! DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD THAT IS??? I tie up my hair into a bun before everyone joins me in the vehicle.

Zayn sits next to me with his arm over my shoulders, Niall sat next to Zayn, looking at catalogues about food, Harry and Louis sat across from Zayn and I, Harry with a smirk on his face showing his dimples and Louis giving Zayn the evils and eyeing off the arm over my shoulders. Oh boy. Where’s Liam?


I’m surprised that the car trip only took 20 minutes! And in that time I have learnt that Niall farts alot, Zayn finds it funny to annoy Louis by flirting with me, Harry smiles all the time and Liam was actually driving the Van. We pulled up in front of the Hotel and flew up the elevator. Liam went off on the 2nd floor. Niall and Zayn left on the 4th floor and Louis, Harry and I got off on the 8th floor. By now I am actually really tired.

Harry pulled out a card and swiped the lock, seconds later the door beeped, opening the door. He looked at me and grinned at my odd facial expression.

"Its a key El." He said. I flushed 2 shades pink and walked into the flat. It was big and spacious but had a roomy feeling about it. But then again the room had piles upon piles of clothes left scattered everywhere, empty alcohol bottles covered every nook and cranny of the kitchen tables and dis-guarded pizza boxes were next to the overflowing bin. It made me re-think about what I said, why on earth would I think the after-effect of a cyclone could be roomy?

Louis took my hand and pulled me through a hallway and to a bedroom. My cheeks intensified from pink to red as I realized that Lou has already taken off his shirt. His chest looks better in person than in photos' Its toned to perfection, his arms and his stomach. Oh my god! I wiped away the dribble from my chin as he turned around and faced me.

"Take a picture, It'll last longer." He winked. OH MY GOD OH MY GOD! My heart began to pound against my chest and my face was burning. He cupped my face with both hands before leaning in with a kiss. My head began to spin and soon made my head throb.

"Ow" I muttered as I palmed the stabbing area of pain. He stopped halfway.

"What’s wrong babe?" He asked, a little worried.

"I have a headache." I smiled half-heartedly.

"Want some panadol tablets?" He offered. I nodded and he pulled me out of the bedroom to the kitchen to get the meds. I waited at the bench as He ruffled through a cupboard and occasionally ran his hands through his hair in frustration. "I couldn’t find any Panadol but here’s something that should work." He smiled at me and handed me two tablets and a glass of water. I know I should question him about what kind of drug is this but he seems so confident, and I somewhat feel safe with it. I took a sip of the water and swallowed down the pills with it. Soon everything turned black again. I couldn’t see anything but I sure as hell could hear everything.

“Oh my god! What did I do??” Lou shouted. His tone was mixed with worried and scared. I herd a door open from down the hall.

“LOU WHAT DID YOU DO???” Harry shouted.

“I err gave her drugs for her headache.” He replied hesitantly and Innocently.

“We don’t have any Panadol.. What did you give her?” Harry asked. Soon there was a ruffling noise.

“These.” Louis said. There were moments of silence before any word was said.

“These aren’t for headaches Boo. Their heavy sleeping pills.” Harry sighed.

“Crud! When she wakes up her headache is going to get worse! I’ll go to Liam and get some Panadol!” Louis shouted. After that I could hear a door slam shut. Harry sighed before speaking.

“Lets get you into bed Ella.” He picked me up. I could feel warm skin on my face and I could hear the beating of Harry’s heart. Is he not wearing a shirt!? And How Does he know my name?? I don’t remember ever telling him that… This day get weirder and weirder. I was placed down on a soft bed and the door shut.

“First day here and your already Knocked out. Not what I was expecting at all.. Better let you rest. When you wake up your headache will be gone. At least that’s an upside.” I felt lips on my forehead and than seconds later it was followed by the door shutting. I couldn’t help but to mentally sing ‘All By Myself.’


I closed the door gently before walking into the kitchen. I should of put Ella in Lou’s room instead of mine. My IPhone is in there. A Buzzing noise came from the table.

“Lou must of left his phone here.” I said to myself. I answered the phone.

“Hello?” I asked.

“Hey Harry. Where’s Lou?”

“Who’s this?”

“Its El stupid. I'm not going to ask you this again, Where’s Lou?” Her voice was humorous and I could tell she was smiling. I could feel something big in my throat.

“He is at Li’s getting Panadol. How’s hunting your long lost Dad down going?”

“Meh, I'm in Australia at the moment. Apparently he is somewhere in a town called Rockingham? But I haven’t had any leads as to where exactly”

“Well I hope everything turns out okay. Good Luck, Bye” I hung up the phone. Poo! I forgot about technology!

I put the IPhone on silent and placed it in my pocket. Hope Lou wont be using his phone any time soon.

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