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A wet tongue dragged its way across sensitive flesh, and Danny hummed at the succulent taste of the other teen as he thrust into him. Soft moans left the raven's lips and he scratched his nails down the cool broad shoulders that hovered over him. Danny could feel every inch of him as he slowly slid in and out. In and out. In... and out.

Danny gasped as he lifted his legs higher, draping them over his shoulders as he brought them closer, slid in deeper. Meticulously drawing out every bit of friction as the older teen pushed against that sweet spot deep inside Danny, finding it easily over, and over, and over. Hands gripped at his butt as breath heated the raven's pale neck, and he started thrusting a little faster, overwhelmed with the sensation of being inside the boy's tight heat.

The younger teen moaned, unable to do anything but make noise and grip at the other that made him feel incredible. Danny purposely clenched his walls around him, and the raven started trembling when a moan that was not his own sounded as the thrusting got harder.

Biting down on the shoulder that moved against him, Danny's eyes rolled back as the heat coiling in his lower gut got tighter. The hands holding his butt slid up his trembling thighs till he pushed the back of the raven's knees forward, folding him in half and shaking as he leaned to plant soft and beautiful lips against Danny's.

Unable to do anything but touch and feel and moan, Danny did all those things as he lost sight of everything around him. His body was tightening, his toes were curling, his mouth breaking away from him to let out a loud and gratified scream as the heat finally started to turn into electricity.

"Yes!" He finally manages to force out around the broken moaning, "Pha-Phan-hmm, har-ha-AH-harder."

Complying to Danny's request, he buried his face in the raven's throat and braced himself with his arms wrapping around his body before he started jack-hammering into the slightly smaller teen. His movements were impetuous, forceful and almost rough, and that's when Danny lost it.

His breath left him, his sense taken along with it. All Danny could think about or comprehend was the body in his arms, how perfectly he fit against him, and how intimately they knew each other.

With a strangled whimper and a long drawn out moan that sounded more like a cry, Danny all but exploded.


Danny shot up into a sitting position on the bed with a gasp at the sound of the alarm going off on the table next to him, letting him know it was time to get up to take Danielle to school.

He was flushed red and was panting harshly, and the tingling in his groin let him know that he was in no shape to start the day just yet, but with no time to properly take care of himself, Danny was under the cold of a shower in less than a minute.

Bracing his palms flat against the wall, Danny recalled the dream. The memory of who it was had already left him, and now the face he was being thoroughly fucked by was nothing but a black smudge covering up his identity. He sighed as he rubbed at his ringing ears, the irritating high pitched sound driving him insane.

Turning the knob to heat when his raging boner lightened, Danny washed up and got out of the shower only a few moments off schedule. He quickly got dressed in something warm, not bothering to think about looking good just yet as his date wasn't until later. When he was done and ready, Danny left to wake up his daughter and make sure that she also dressed in something warm.

The morning continued uneventful, and Danny all but completely forgot about the extremely pleasant dream until he was dressing to get ready to meet Dan. He had talked to Sam and Tucker the other day about the date and they were very happy to hear that Danny was interested -for the very first time- in a man that wanted to date him. All in all, Saturday had been a very happy day for everyone. It had started a little rough, what with the almost accident involving a car and Danielle, but other than that it had been a very strong and powerful happy day. Danielle made new friends, Danny found a man that he wanted to try and have a relationship with, and they found out that Sam wasn't sick with a stomach bug but was pregnant!

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