Malex - Carless

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Alex has tried his best to push his feelings for Michael away. They spent ten years on opposite sides of the planet but still, he can't stop loving him. Whenever he saw Maria's necklace fall into Michael's hand his heart broke into more pieces then he thought possible. Everything he thought they could become impossible to reach. They were officially over and Michael was hooking up with Alex's best friend. Somehow he felt betrayed; even if Maria doesn't know that Michael is museum kiss guy. 

When Alex left Michael's trailer he didn't know where to go. His first thought would be the Wild Pony but he can't face Maria, not when his heart is only freshly broken. Liz and Kyle are his only other options but one's busy with Max and Isobel and the other is at work till late tonight. So till Kyle's shift ends he's left at his cabin with a six-pack of beer and a collection of old movies Kyle's dad had tucked away before he passed. Nothing to keep the memories of Michael away though. Every time he closed his eyes to try and sleep he saw the nights they kissed and the times they spent wrapped around each other in the heat of the moment. Even the day that Alex's dad broke Michael's hand came to mind. He still shudders at the memory.

By the time the six-pack is gone Alex can't walk straight and is up to make stupid decisions. Anything to forget him and the memories - even if it only last tonight. With a single click, he blocks Michael in every way. No more text, call, or even emails. This decision carries on into the morning when Alex wakes up with a hangover and four missed called from Liz. It's the sound of someone pounding a hand against his door that forces him from his bed.

"What?" Alex asks, pressing his hands against his eyes to block out the sunlight. Liz rolls her eyes at him but steps in and shuts the door as quietly as she can. She's no stranger to early morning hangovers and heartbreak after all. 

"Why is Michael blowing up my phone asking about you? What happened between you two because he seems worried-" Liz breaks to catch her breath and look over Alex's living room. Empty beer bottles little the coffee table and an old movie's credits are still playing on the TV. It's the broken look of her best friend that causes the most concern. "-and now so am I."

Alex chews on his bottom lip as he searches for something to say. An excuse for the behavior of not only him but the guy that broke him. "We-we um-well I-" The words get captured in his throat while tears threaten to spill over. "I love him and I thought he felt the same but then I saw him holding her necklace. He-he never felt the same. He tricked me."

"You love Michael?" Liz's voice is no more than a whisper and difficult to hear over the TV as the menu for the movie pops up. "Since when?"

"High school-" Alex's voice is cut off with a sob. He can't control the sobs as they wreck through him. Everything in him says that Michael isn't worth it. That he should be able to just move on but then there's something else saying that the other man is his kryptonite.

Alex doesn't register that Liz has pulled him into a hug till her arms are wrapped around the back of his neck. They stay like that for what felt like hours - frozen in time as Liz tries to comfort a friend who's been facing heartbreak by himself for ten years. Ten long years.

"I'm trying to forget him, let him go," Alex says as he pulls away. "I blocked him-probably why he's been texting you all morning. He doesn't want to be with him, not for good at least. He prefers her and I should be okay with that. He wasn't mine to begin with." Alex wipes the tears from his eyes and smiles weakly at his best friend. 

The rest of the day is spent with Alex and Liz pigging out on whatever they can find in his fridge. Michael text Liz a few more times but she chooses to ignore him in favor of spending the day with someone that needs her. Together they watch the rest of the movies Kyle's dad had stockpiled and finished off three bags of popcorn the last two beers Alex had tucked in the back of his fridge. In his opinion, it was the perfect way to take his mind off the man who had unknowingly caused him so much pain.

Over the next few days, Alex had fallen into a routine that conveniently avoided Michael at all cost. He hadn't been to the Wild Pony since that night, only partially due to the fact he's sworn off alcohol for now. Maria's tried to call him a few times and even stopped by his house but he can't bring himself to answer. She's a constant reminder of how he lost the one piece of family he had. Alex knows that he won't be able to avoid her forever but for now he's found it better to keep his distance and keep quiet. He's been busying himself with the Roswell Alien scandal so it hasn't been hard. Since that night he spends his nights at the bunker with Kyle and Cameron. Neither knows what happened only that he can't look at a picture of Michael without tearing up and is more set on figuring out what his father has been trying to either keep covered or uncover.

Even after years of running from his feelings, Alex hasn't figured out that he can't outrun his problems. Eventually, they end up on his doorstep with a pack of beer and more question than answers. "Why have you been avoiding me?" Michael asks as he sets the beer down on Alex's coffee table.

"I haven't been avoiding you. I've been busy with some stuff for work so I just haven't gotten around to certain stuff," Alex says. He can't look Michael in the eyes as Michael uncaps a bottle and sits on the couch. 

"Like replying to my text?" Alex nods which only makes Michael scoff. "Really? Because a little birdie told me you blocked my number. Were they wrong or did I do something to offend you?" Micheal gulps down half the beer in his hand before trying to meet Alex's eyes. He can see the tears peaking through his closed eyes. "What happened?" His voice holds accusation even when he tries to soften it.

Alex wipes the tears from his eyes and glances down at the other man who's occupying more couch space than necessary. Just the sight of him causes Alex's heart to snap again. "Nothing. I've just been busy." 

"Bullshit. You've been avoiding me since I got back from Texas and I want to know why. What happened while I was gone that made you hate me enough to not only block my number but avoid me?" Micheal slips off the couch and onto his knees. "What did I do?" For as long as Alex has known Michael he hasn't begged anyone for anything. When he finally decides he wants something he takes it. Seeing that same man on his knees pleading for an answer that Alex doesn't want to give away is an unfamiliar site.

"Get up." Alex pauses as the first of a many tears fall from his eyes. "Get up!" Micheal doesn't budge but instead falls back to his butt his pressed against his heels and his face is pressed into his open palms. Time passes slowly as Micheal is whimpering on his knees and Alex is crying while trying to keep his feeling at a distance because the minute he lets them go is when Micheal will run to Maria. And when that happens he'll be left broken again and Liz will be left to pick of the pieces of what's left.

"I love you." Alex almost doesn't hear Micheal say it. Still, he's shocked when he opens his eyes to see Micheal teary-eyed and looking up at him. "So please tell me what I did and I'll do anything to take it back."

"You have her, why would you love me?" Alex whimpers. He tries to ignore the feeling of embarrassment and anger crawling through his skin. "I can't keep loving you when I know in the back of my mind you like her."

Michael stares at Alex for a moment, his eyebrows scrunched in confusion. He retraces his memories to find a moment that could make Alex think he doesn't want him over anyone or anything. It isn't until he remembers Alex standing in front of him outside of his trailer; nervously fidgeting with his keys. That stupid necklace he pulled from his boot caused the man he loves to try and abandon him because he thought Michael found someone. Someone that wasn't him.

"Maria? I don't love her, defiantly not like I love you. That was a drunken mistake when we were lost in the desert." Michaels stands so he's face to face with Alex. He reaches out to touch him but Alex flinches and steps away. "I didn't think you'd care. Not like this at least. I mean how could I when we've been stepping around each other since that day in high school."

"I've loved you since high school and every time we got close to each other something went wrong. The first time my dad hurt you and the second time I caught you selling copper after a lecture from my dad." Alex takes a step closer till he's a few inches from Michael. He can feel the other man's breath ghost against his lips. "How could I confess my feelings for you when I was afraid we'd become nothing more than just another mistake? I can't lose you, Micheal!" Alex's voice is hoarse and strained as he screams out at Michael.

"You won't." Micheal reaches forward and pulls Alex into a kiss of clashing teeth and battling tounges. It's what both have been craving since Alex tried distancing himself from the very thing he craved. 

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