Chapter 1 - "A Knight's Fight For The Princess"

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Ok, I wrote a couple of chapters on this story a while ago and decided to post it to see how you guys liked this. Like I said I wrote this quite a while ago so sorry if it's horrible. Anyway please rate, comment, follow and tell me what you think.


~ Akemi5556

??? POV

“Hand yourself over or they get it” said a man with a crazed smile across his face, as he held a glowing red hand up right under the throat of an innocent bystander. I looked over to the bystander, a woman and she had her two children clinging to her legs, worry and fear spread across their faces. Silent tears slipped down the children's puffy red cheeks.

I don’t have a choice… I can't leave them like this...

“I’ll…. I’ll go with you” I said bowing my head so that my light green bangs covered my dark green eyes.

“T-Thank you, thank you” she stammered over and over, getting as far away as possible from the man with her children. I could only give her a sad smile before everything went black. This isn’t how it was supposed to go…


“Akemi-chan” a young blunette sky dragon slayer called as she ran down the hill towards me.

“Wendy-chan” I said as I slowly sat up from the field of flowers I had been laying “you’re late, everyone is late”.

“Sorry Akemi-chan, sorry” she cried out, bowing in apology.

“Calm down I was only joking” I laughed, getting up.  “Akemi-chan not fair you’re taller than me now” she pouted, sticking her bottom lip out.

“Well, it has been 6 months already Wendy-chan and I’m older than you anyway” I laughed.

“Wendy-chan!” a familiar boy’s voice called “Akemi-chan!” it was a young boy with spikey blonde hair and bright blue eyes ran towards us calling our names. He was followed by another young boy with long black hair and red eyes.

“Sting-kun! Rogue-kun!” I called back to them as they ran down the hill until Sting, the blonde boy, tripped and rolled down the rest of the way.

“Sting-kun! Are you ok? Do you want me to heal you?” Wendy asked worriedly as she ran towards him.

“Yeah… I’m fine…” He groaned rubbing the back of his head. I started to laugh. I couldn’t hold it in any longer. Sting blushed a bright shade of red.

“Hey stop laughing it wasn’t that funny!” he growled, still bright red “Rogue-kun tell her!” We all looked at Rogue; he had his hand over his mouth and was trying not to laugh along with me. This only made me laugh harder. “Rogue-kun! Not you too!” Sting yelled “That’s it! You two are dead!”

We spend most of that day running from Sting. After what seems like forever of running, I fell into the meadow of flowers I had been laying in that morning. We’ll all have to leave soon…. A frown appeared on my face asI thought about this looking up at the now orange sky. I heard a thump next to me.

“I know, it sad isn’t it” said a familiar voice. I turned my head towards the voice. It was Sting. He was lying next to me staring up at the sky.

“Yeah…” I said looking back at the sky “I wonder how much things will change next time. I mean look at what happened, I’m taller than Wendy and now am the same height as you and Rogue. Wendy can actually talk to us now and Rogue actually laughed. I mean this is Rogue and he laughed! What will change next? I mean next think you know you guys won’t even be here anymore” I sighed, trying to hold back the tears.

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