Chapter 3 - "You will never have her"

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OKAY! I know I'm a horrible person who hasn't updated in... Let's not even talk about how many months... Let's just say a long time. And I am so sorry! I just got so caught up in everything else in my life I guess, but then to come back and find so many comments, reads and votes of this story and others is really amazing so thank you!
And because I feel bad, I'll post this chapter and another one tomorrow!
Sorry again,

Sting POV

"Akemi!" I yelled as I caught her in my arms

"Wendy! Hurry do something help her!" Wendy looked taken aback by my outburst but I didn't take Akemi needed to be ok. She quickly nodded and began healing her.

"Wendy, don't overdo yourself" a white female cat said as she flew up to Wendy.

"I know Carla, but I have to try..." Wendy begins to trail off and almost falls unconscious. Rogue quickly steps in and catches her.

"Wendy you need to stop. Akemi will be fine" she said calmly. She nods.

"How do you know she'll be ok?! She could have died!" I began yelled but I knew it wasn't their fault. I just need to let my angrier out.

Whoever did this to her was going to pay!

"Sting-kun" Wendy said hesitantly "I'm sorry but I've used up too much of my magic. But I can tell that she is going to be fine and will just need some rest. I suggest that only one visitor at a time". I nodded sadly.

"I-I" I started but was cut off.

"It's okay I understand" Wendy smiled "Nastu, Gajeel we better get back". She gave Rogue a look.

"Right, I better report to Master" he muttered and walked out. Wendy sent me a wink.

Thank you Wendy...


"Sting, Master is here to talk to you" Rogue said stepping back into the doorway.

"Of course" I said calmly but was really freaking out inside and I knew Rogue was too. I looked back to Akemi's peaceful sleeping figure.

I won't let them hurt you!


I stepped outside the door and closed in quietly after Rogue who had gone to watch Akemi.

"Well done Sting. You won the challenge and the prize" he said with an evil smirk, I was so tempted to  punch him right then and there for talking about her like she was his precession, his item.

"Thank you Master" I said trying to keep the distaste out of my words. Sure, I respect Master, he is very powerful but nobody, and I mean nobody talks about Akemi like that!

"Well is she any use as a wizard or shall just turn her into a guild maid or something?" he asked. He did not just say that! I was ready to snap. My fists were clenched at my side and were shaking furiously. "Well" Master said impatiently.

"She is a great wizard with a huge amount of magic and could possibly be a better wizard than Rogue and I" I said calmly.

"Fantastic-" he began but I cut him off.

"But you will never have her. Sabertooth will never have her. I won the challenge so I get to say what happens to her. And I said she's free" I snapped.

"You can't-" he started.

"I already ready have" I said. I felt something hit me hard in the gut, the Master's fist. I fell backwards and coughed up blood.


I wiped the blood off the corner of mouth. Master was fuming. I dark aura surrounded him. He picked me up by my collar.

"Don't ever disobey me again" with those icily words he threw me into the wall and stormed off down the hallway. I slowly, and sorely, walked back into the medic room to be meant with sad forest green eyes.

"Lighten up Princess, this is nothing" I smirked, jumping around like it was nothing, and then began laughing at her angry face for calling her by her nickname.

"Thank you Sting" she smiled a smile that always lit up my world and did this time once again "But only possibly, huh?" she smirked, faking that she was offended.

Huh? Oh right!

"Well I haven't seen you fight in a long time" I smirked.

"Oh trust me you will and I'll kick your butt just like I did when we were kids" she smirked back. My jaw dropped.

"T-that's not fair! You cheated!" I accused.

"You kept telling yourself that" muttered Rogue in the corner of the room. I'd forgotten he was there. Akemi started laughing like it was the funniest thing in the world. She got up and hugged Rogue.

"Thanks for being on my side" she said cheerfully, ending her hug with Rogue before he got even more uncomfortable.

"You haven't changed at all, Akemi" I sighed. She looked at me confused.

"Are you sure? I'd thought I'd grown" she said looking at herself up and down. I looked at her, up and down, she was right she had grown. "You mind checking me out there Sting?" she asked smirking, but with a faint blush. I blushed, bright red. I hadn't realised I'd been staring. She began laughing again.

I love that laugh...

Even Rogue laughed a bit.

I don't like that laugh so much...

"Calm down I was only joking" she laughed.

"I better get back" Rogue muttered "get some rest". With that last comment to Akemi he left.

"He's right you know" I said. She sighed.

"Fine" she stated. She climbed back into bed but before closing her eyes whispered "Promise you'll stay?"

"Promise" and with that she went to sleep within minutes. I sighed looking down at her peaceful figure.

Now she's made me tired...

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