Which Direction is One Direction?

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~~~~ A/N~~~~ Hey guys, what's up? :D i thought i'd make a story out of my love for One Direction! this is my first piece on wattpad and i love criticism, so please don't be hesitant to tell me if it sucks or if you like it! honestly, i'm just going to write as i go along. Oh and the first few chapters might be a bit slow... so here goes nothing. :) (sorry for long A/N i rant a lot.) As Louis Tomlinson once said, "Whew. Oh God i'm nervous." HAHA.


Liam's POV

"We. Are. Screwed." I groaned against my handsw. There wasn't another car on this road. We were officially lost. This is it, I thought to myself, Paul finally has a reason to murder us. I would murder us too, if I were him. Sigh. I don't know how i'm supposed to get us out of this one. Last time I checked, I can't perform miracles. It's just I couldn't talk the lads out of this one. They did the whole, "Pleeeeeeease Leee-yuuum!!" act and I fell for it. Again. What was I thinking?

Wait a minute.

I'm sorry. I forgot to introduce myself. How rude of me. My name is Liam James Payne and i'm from Wolverhampton. I'm part of a group called, "One Direction". Oh, what's that? You've heard of us? Splendid. Well don't mind me now, i'm just going to rant to you the happenings of my life before Paul kills us. Carry on, love.

"LOUIS!" Niall yelled over the rain to be heard, "CAN YOU DRIVE A LITTLE FASTER ITS GETTING DARK!"

Louis harrumphed and yelled, "SHUT IT HORAN, BEFORE I THROW OUR FOOD OUT THE WINDOW." Nialls' face turned dark and glared at Louis. Grumbling to himself, he stayed quiet. "HARRY? ARE YOU SURE YOU ARE READING THE MAP RIGHT?" Louis asked annoyed, as he turned to Harry in the passenger seat.

"Um... I guess.. i'm not really sure..." Harry drawled out turning the map at different angles. Was he serious? I am going to kill him. Him and every one of these idiots. Except maybe Zayn. He hadn't uttered a word this whole time. And Niall, he's just too cute. So scratch that, i'm going to kill Harry and Louis. Yep, sounds good.

"Louis, we've been driving for hours and we haven't reached this 'magical place' yet." I groaned, feeling a headache coming on. "Can we just stop somewhere for the night? My phone doesn't have any signal, otherwise I honestly would have called the cops on you mad men."

Louis grinned and pretended to act hurt, "WELL THEN. I SEE HOW IT IS. And they call you the sweet one!" Trust Louis to be bipolar at this time. Two seconds ago he was about to kill Harry and Niall. Everyone was on edge because Louis decided to take us on an "adventure" today, and you can tell where that got us. Typical, should have seen that coming.

The car was silent for a few seconds, until Zayn's quiet voice broke the silence, "Louis, turn left here."

"Zayn why would we-?" Louis started.


Surprised, Louis jerked the wheel and swerved onto the road. The everyone was startled, and I held onto Niall for dear life. Oh God, I felt my dinner threaten to come up. The car was silent again, except for the quick 'swish-swash' of the windshield wipers and the storm outside. A collective sigh escaped us, we were happy to have survived that one. Louis wasn't exactly the best driver.

"Zayn, where are we going?" Niall questioned, trying to grasp what was going on.

"There." Zayn pointed to a house in the distance. "We're going there."


A/N How'd you like that one? :D don't worry i'm going to be switching around all of the POVS so it will be a bit wacky! :) please share this story i would love that! Thanks for reading!

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