Chapter 2

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I glanced over at the clock. Six thirty. Checking my outfit in the mirror one last time, I made sure I looked my best. Nice shirt, clean pants, and hair that had been combed and re-combed a million times. Grabbing my phone, I slipped it into my pocket and made my way into the living. My keys sat on the coffee table. I swiped them up and went outside to my car.

A slightly-used Ford sat in the driveway, a stained red. I unlocked the door before climbing in, being instantly hit with the smell of old-pine and old-truck. Shutting the door beside me, I stuck the key in the ignition and began driving to the party.

The sun was nearly going down. Around me, trees shifted in the gentle breeze, dogs freely roamed the sidewalks, and houses sat completely still, guarding the people inside from the dangers of the beautiful reality.

A smile came to my face as Jason's house came into view. Already, multiple cars were lined in the driveway and on the road. I drove around the block three times before I found a place to park. Sticking my keys in the pocket with my phone, I hopped out of the car. With a deep breath, I shut the door and made my way into the house.

From outside, a faint, repeated bump could be heard. Once the door was opened, it was brought to life. An exhilarating track with specific guitar and a distinct drum beat. Lyrics were not yet heard, yet I wasn't sure it would matter if they were. The music really did bring the life out in you.

Almost instantly, I felt a hand grab my arm and pull me away from the group. "What in the wor-" Erin. We stood face to face. I could feel my heart start to race.

"Look, Justin, this is really weird but I really need your help."

"Anything. What is it, Erin?" She took a deep breath, closing her eyes.

"I-I need your help impressing Nathan." My heart began to crack as my mind tried to process what was happening.

"So, let me get this straight. You want my help impressing some boy you like?"

"Look, I know it sounds strange, but you're the only person I trust enough to help me with something like this. Please Justin, I'm begging you." I looked into her eyes, those beautiful eyes, and could clearly see the desperation and the love. The love for someone else. I let out a sigh.

"I don't know... What would I even do?"

"Give me pointers on how to impress him, help get me ready for hanging out with him, things like that. Please Justin. Pretty, pretty please." The pokemon voice. Despite my best attempts to be unfazed, I melted. It was just too darn cute.

"Aww, fine I'll help you." A wide smile appeared on her face as she wrapped her arms around me.

"Thank you Justin!" I wrapped my arms around her smaller body, holding her close to me. Tighter than I should have. She was slipping away from me, and I was not about to let that happen.

Yet when she pulled away, I let go of her, realizing that I was about to let that happen. I was going to let her slip away from me and go to someone else. I couldn't. Yet another look into those eyes told me, I really didn't have a choice. I had to help her.

Just In Love (Vechs x Aureylian)Where stories live. Discover now