Chapter 1

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*Beep Beep Beep Beep* I sung my hand over to my alarm clock, feeling around until I hit the "off" button. With a groan I sat up in bead, rubbing my eyes. Once my vision was clear, I climbed out of my comfortable bed and trudged to the bathroom. I pulled off my clothes before climbing into the shower. The warm water ran down my skin, awakening my senses.

I finished cleaning after a few minutes and shut off the water, climbing out of the shower. Grabbing a towel from the hook, I wrapped it around my waist. I walked into my room and opened up my closet, only to hear my phone going off. With a sigh, I made my way to my bedside table where my phone rested. It was much too early for anyone to be calling me. I glanced at my screen and a smile came to my face. Answering the call, I put it up to my ear.

"Hello?" I greeted, sitting on my bed.

"Hey Justin," she replied.

"Hey Erin. What's up?"

"Nothing at the moment. I just called to let you know that Jason is having a party tonight. I was curious if you were going or not."

"Yeah, of course I'll go. What time is it?" I could practically hear her smile through the telephone. I wondered if she was the same way.

"Tonight at seven. I'll see you there. Bye." She ended the call and yet my smile didn't sway. I put my phone back on the table and went back to my closet. Looking through my clothes, I picked out a red shirt and slid it on. I then grabbed a pair of underwear and jeans, putting them on as well. My comb sat on the top of my dress. Grasping it, I walked over to the mirror and ran it through my hair.

Ten minutes later, I placed my comb back in it's spot and hurried down to the kitchen, two steps at a time. My eyes glanced at the clock. Eight A.M. Eleven hours until the party. After pouring a bowl of cereal, and devouring it, I let my thoughts go where they pleased. Not surprisingly, they went one place.

Her perfect face was engraved in my mind as if it was the head of a penny. The way her eyes lit up, how her red hair swayed when she moved, how she loses her cool over the littlest things made my heart skip a beat. Then another. Her beautiful laugh played over and over again like my favorite song.

Couldn't she have a single flaw? Just something I can use to keep myself from thinking about her so much. She was so far out of my league, and it just wasn't fair. There wasn't a single thing about her I hated.

I sighed as I placed my bowl in the sink. The worst part of the entire situation, was Erin would never know how I felt. Even if I tried, there would be no way I'd be able to admit it to her. If anyone else told her, would she even believe them? No. She wouldn't. That was obvious.

I made my way back to my room where my eyes immediately fell to my phone. Should I text her? Why not? We were friends, right? Friends. With another sigh, I swiped up my phone and typed out a simple message.

"Hey Erin. I was wondering if you wanted to go out, because I really like you and I can't stop thinking about you." Quickly, I deleted the message. No way was I sending that to her. Instead, I typed:

"Hey Erin. What's up?" It took her a couple of minutes to reply.

"Still nothing," she replied.

"Wow, sounds like you have a busy day," I sent her, a slight chuckle escaping despite the fact she couldn't hear it. Once again, she replied within a few minutes.

"Pretty much." I stared at my screen, wondering what to say next.

"So, do you want to hang out before the party?" This time, an instant reply.

"Sorry, I already have plans."

"Plans? I thought you weren't doing anything."

"I'm not doing anything right now, but I will be soon. I'm going to dinner with Nathan."

"Dinner you say? Sounds like a date to me," I sent, despite the pain that shot through my heart as I typed it. This time, it took her a little longer to reply.

"It's not a date. It's just two people hanging out." This time, I didn't reply. What was I supposed to say to that? Something in the words she chose to use, gave me the feeling there was something between her and Nathan.

Stop, Justin. You're just being paranoid, I thought to myself. Maybe I was. Perhaps it was exactly as she said. Two people hanging out.

Or maybe it was something else.

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