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When Seonghwa and San arrived in their apartment, the older immediately disappeared into his room. San was highly confused at the earlier situation.
He wanted to bombard his roommate with millions of questions, but looking at the latters annoyed and frustrated expression, he decided against it. Still, it was bugging him a lot.

How did Seonghwa know Kim Hongjoong?

Seonghwa was a mess. He was curled up in his bed, some random anime playing, but he wasn't paying attention. His mind replayed the encounter. He was surprised, frustrated, annoyed, angry, pissed.
Mainly at himself.
Kim Hongjoong had been his usual flirty, annoyingly smug way and Seonghwa should've been cold to the other, he should've immediately told him off and keep walking, but all that he could think about in that moment were the memories.
That, and how gooddamn beautiful the other looked. His stupid grin, the way he his eyes became crescent when he smiled. The way his voice sounded when he slightly laughed. The way he looked absolutely breathtaking when he pushed his hair back.
He had changed it, the mullet was gone and instead a pretty shade of red painted his now shorter hair. He wore the golden glasses that made him look so chic and likeable.
Even worse, when he had pushed his hair back, Seonghwa saw the tattoo. That asshole had the audacity to actually get that design. The design Seonghwa himself had drawn back then. Back when they were...

"Ah, fucking hell, get out of my head," he mumbled, his voice cracking slightly.
Shit no, don't you dare cry Seonghwa.
He pressed his eyes shut and crused internally. He wasn't going to let that asshole make him feel this week again. He had promised himself to not repeat the same mistakes.

On the other side of the city, Hongjoong sat on the rooftop of the club. His feet were dangling off the edge and he rested his head on his right shoulder. He had a slight smile on his lips as his eyes trailed the clear night sky.
A squeak indicated the rooftop's door being pushed open and he heard footsteps coming closer. Hongjoong chuckled silently.
"Hello Yunho," he sweetly said, but his sweet tone was sarcastic.
The younger boy dropped down next to Hongjoong and let out a long, tired sigh.
"What is it? Business troubles?"
Yunho shook his head slightly.
"People troubles," he sighed and pushed his hair back. "There have been some rumours about undercover agents lately and although they won't be after us, they might become a risk due to our similar work spaces," Yunho explained, mumbling the words hurriedly in a low, quiet voice. He recieved a nod in response.
"You think they're going after the major, checking upon the claims that he's involded with the Chinese."
Yunho agrees.
"That would put Sang in a difficult position."
Yunho agrees again.
"Got a plan yet?" Hongjoong asks and turns to Yunho.
"I have no idea."
Hongjoong thought for a bit. Then, an idea sparked in his mind. He smirked.
"We should probably have him live somewhere else for the time being. If they come for his father, he might be taken in too, especially if he lives at home and our base won't be safe for him either. They might see him as an accomplice should his father actually be connected to anything illegal."
Yunho raised a brow. "You have a place in mind?"
"Kind of. I'll make it possible."
Yunho stared at Hongjoong in silence for a while, before another sigh left his lips.
"I guess I'll trust you with this."
Hongjoong grinned. Perfect.

A few days went by without any unforeseen occurrences. San avoided social interaction as usual. Seonghwa went out every evening as usual. Wooyoung was attacked with questions every day as usual. Hongjoong barely left his studio as usual. Mingi and Yeosang behaved like entilted brats as usual. Jongho worked every single day as usual. Yunho did whatever he was doing without anyone knowing as usual.

And then the day came; the day that suddenly bound eight lifes together which would eventually create a loyal, loving and caring family.

October 24th

It all started when police arrived at the major's residence with a search warrant. Yeosang was still at school, sitting in detention with Mingi. It was quite lucky that their homeroom teacher caught them trying to smoke in the boy's bathroom. Otherwise Yeosang would already be at the station with his father.
When they were finally let go and recieved their phones back, Yeosang saw the text from his father's lawyer, informing him of the situation.
Slightly panicking, Yeosang immediately called Hongjoong's studio. The few seconds before Hongjoong picked up felt like an eternity.

"Hyung, they took my dad. Mingi and I are still at school, just got out of detention. What do we do?" he sounded panicked and he was. He technically never did anything illegal, but he had his suspicions that his dad did and he was pretty sure that whatever Yunho was doing wasn't exactly legal either.

"First of all, you stop panicking. I'll send you an adress, you'll go there and live there for now. They're nice people and have absolutely nothing to do with all of this. Tell Mingi to come to the studio after dropping you off."

Yeosang thanked Hongjoong and made his way to the adress he recieved.

Earlier that day...

Hongjoong rang the bell to the apartment. Thanks to Yunho he knew that San was still at university and Seonghwa should be home alone. After a few seconds the door flew open and a half asleep Seonghwa glared at the intruder. When he recognised Hongjoong, his glare quickly made way for an utterly confused and insecure expression. Hongjoong smirked. Nothing's changed I see.
"Hi Seonghwa, can I come in?"
The older didn't react, but Hongjoong still walked past him and made himself comfortable on the couch. After a few seconds Seonghwa regained his voice.
"What the hell do you think you're doi-"


Seonghwa felt a shiver go down his back. That tone made him remember things he desperately tried to forget. He couldn't fight against the stupid feelings that started flowing back into him; all those feelings he had locked away for so long.
He complied and sat down next to Hongjoong. He didn't dare to look into the other's eyes. Without warning Hongjoong raised his hand and caressed Seonghwa's cheek making him blush uncontrollably.
"I need your help, Hwa," Hongjoong whispered. Seonghwa felt every single defense he had build up break down.
"Please, don't call me that," he practically begged. Hongjoong loved to see Seonghwa like this. He had always liked how he was the only one who could bring out Seonghwa's soft, submissive side. He sighed and pulled his hand away, before proceeding to explain why he had come.

It didn't take much for Hongjoong to convince Seonghwa to help out. No matter how cold Seonghwa acted, he was always ready to help those in need; a trait Hongjoong had always admired about the other.

"Alright, he can stay here for a while, but you all have some serious explaining to do," Seonghwa agreed.
"But I swear to god, if any of this will cause harm to San, I'll personally deliver your ass to the Hounds."

There u go :)
I hope y'all are excited 🌚 I have big plans hehe

Also, don't worry, Woosan moments are coming soon 😁

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2019 ⏰

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