A Mother's Day Special

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" Happy Mother's Day "


I got my own version of super hero
She doesn't have those powers tho
She doesn't have that fancy cape
But she keep me always safe

She's not hulk who got the strength
But she carry me in nine months with pain
She may not be that super man
But she is my super mom

She's not the best teacher
But she taught me how to love and care
She's not my best mentor
But she's my best mom afterall

I wasn't the best child to her
But she never forgetten her son and daughter
I was the rebellious child to her
But she kept and hug me with tender

She was the busiest person I've known
She guide me working hardly on her own
Just to sustain those needs in me
Working overtime with no pay to feed me

Maybe I'm not the caring child for you
Not the sweetest kid to you
Not that obedient to you
Not that good listener to your words

I may not be able to show my love
Mom know that you're all I have
I am not so expressive to what I feel
I often do things I used to fail

I just wanna say that I'm sorry
For being bad to you lately
I'm sorry for being stubborn
You went through hardships when I was born

And today with this special day
Mom Happy Mother's Day
I Love you so much be happy today
You're the best Hero to me

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