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Two days have passed since I met Harry. We have been texting ever since then. He's a really sweet and charming guy. Speaking of Harry, my phone goes off, signaling that I have a new text from him. I quickly grabbed my phone from the table and started texting him back.

"Morning, pumpkin!" My dad greeted cheerfully as he came downstairs, he hugged me, "who are you texting?"

"Morning, papa! Just texting my friend Harry." I replied and looked down in order to hide the fact that I was blushing.

"When can I meet this Harry?"

"I don't know, dad. He's just a friend."

"I wasn't born yesterday, Juliet. I know you like him. I can see it in your face. Let me meet him. I promise I won't embarrass you."

"Okay. I'll ask if he's busy. He probably is since he's probably at the studio with the boys!"

"Who are these boys?"

"One Direction!"

"Harry from One Direction? Matthew's daughters love them!"

"Yes, Harry from One Direction! And I know, I've talked to Elizabeth and Anna about One Direction before."

"So, when can I meet him?"

"Hold on, I'll text Harry right now!"


I texted Harry and he quickly replied. He said that he would be over in five minutes. I showed my dad the text and he nodded with a smile.

"I have to show him all your baby pictures!"

I groaned. God no. That will be so embarrassing.

"I'm kidding, pumpkin!"

Five minutes pass and I hear a knock on the door. As I was going to go open the door, my father beat me to it.

"You must be Harry! I heard so much about you! I love your music, by the way!" My dad said as he shook Harry's hands.

"Hi, Mr. Leblanc! I love the show Friends! My sister, Gemma and I grew up watching it!" Harry greeted with a smile and shook his hand.

"Thank you, Harry! Come on in!" Dad said and lets Harry inside. I walk over to Harry and give him a hug.

"Hi, love! You look beautiful as always!"

"You're too kind, Harry, but I'm still wearing my pajamas! You look handsome as always!" I blushed at his compliment.

"Thank you, love!"

I sat down and motioned him to sit down beside me. Dad offered Harry some soda and some food. Harry accepted and thanked him. I ate as well. I put on some tv and checked the channels to see if there was anything good on. Blended was about to start so I asked Harry if he wanted to watch it with me. He nodded and had a smile on his beautiful face. I got up and made us some popcorn and grabbed some sour patch kids from the cabinets.  I came back with the candy, popcorn and more soda cans for us to drink. If you're wondering where my dad is, he went to do an interview with Ellen. I haven't met her yet but for right now, I want to enjoy Harry's company. We were watching the movie and I laughed at all the funny moments. The movie was cute too because it's a romantic comedy! The movie ended and I looked at the time to see it's only 4:50 pm. I looked at my phone and saw that my dad texted me, 'hey Juliet! I'll be home soon! I'm buying food from Five Guys! Want anything?'

I texted back, 'hey dad! Can you buy us some cheeseburgers, some shakes and some fries! Thanks!'

He texted back, 'Sure, sweetheart! Be home in about 20 minutes, alright?"

'Alright. Thanks, dad.' I texted back and put my phone down. Harry and I decided to chat about things going on in our lives currently as we waited for my dad to arrive.

Twenty minutes have passed and my dad arrived with our food. We thanked him and we all began to eat. We all talked for at least three hours and it was already 8 pm.

"I'm going out to meet up with David, Jen, Lisa, Courtney and Matthew, okay?" Dad told us.

"Okay, dad! Have fun!"

"Thanks, pumpkin! Harry, if you want you can stay the night! We have a guest room and we would love to have you here more often!" My dad told Harry.

"Thank you, Mr. Leblanc! If you don't mind me staying here for the night, I'd be happy to be here!"

"Please call me Matt! And of course, I don't mind! Juliet hates staying alone at night. She becomes super paranoid." Dad chuckled as he grabbed his keys and started heading out, "he guys!"

"Bye!" Harry and I exclaimed in unison. Harry and I chuckled and talked for another four hours. Both of us quickly falling asleep.

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