The Party

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Gowns of vibrant colors swirled around merrily. Friends gossiped in the corners smiling at the couples. drinks were flowing in excess and everyone seemed to be in the best of spirits. We were celebrating a joining ceremony for my fiercest warrior. He had served me well these past 3 years after my second passed away and I was seriously considering him as a replacement.

Although that would be near impossible as my second was also my best friend. He was the brother I never had. We grew up together and have had each other's backs and saved each other countless times. His death was a crushing blow for me.

Familiar guilt suddenly consumes me. I had sent him on a raid. We were always together on our raids but this time my wife was due to give birth to our first bairn and I was obligated to remain behind. I should have postponed the raid until she gave birth. But we were running low on provisions and the cold season was coming upon us. I wanted to make sure we had enough to supply our clan until spring. I was brought out of my inner musings by a familiar voice.

"Good eve, My Jarl". Eira tells me bowing her head.

This is the first time I've seen her since giving her the news of her husband's fate. I assumed she had been in mourning and needed the privacy away from the clan.

Guilt runs through me again as I look upon her. she looks tired and sad.

"How are you Eira? Well I hope" I say with a friendly smile

"As well as can be expected my Jarl". she replies. She begins to speak again but looks hesitant."There is an important matter I must discuss with you my Jarl".

"Please Eira call me Gunnar. Now tell me what is wrong".

She smiles at me slightly. Eira is not a particularly pretty woman but she is kind and loyal. One of the reasons Magnus married her I'm sure.

"My...... stepdaughter is coming here to live for a time, Her mother has passed and with Magnus now gone she has no one". She states.

I look at her curious. I've never heard of Magnus having any previous wives or children.

She notices my quizzical expression and answers for me.

"He bedded a woman whilst on a raid my Jarl" she explains a bitter nasty look crosses her face for just a second before it is gone.

I stare at her, speechless. Magnus had an affair outside his marriage? Unthinkable. he and Eira always seemed happy. I feel terrible for her. Did she only recently find out or had she always known?. Did he have other children out there?. My gaze moves towards where my wife, Freydis stands. She is with the other clan woman laughing and smiling. She is the most beautiful woman in our clan. Her hair, like many of our clan women, is golden but hers is thick, wavy, and hangs to her shapely bottom. Her eyes are a beautiful sky blue, clear and bright. She is tall with a slender figure. It took me a considerable amount of time to woo her. Many vied for her hand but of course, being the Jarl has its benefits.

I turn back to Eira. "She will be more than welcome to come here, the clan will love to have her".

"Thank you my Jarl she should be here any minute". She smiles at me. I nod at her just as my wife sidles up to me her arm around my waist.

"Hello Eira!" she says excitedly mayhap she's had a drink too many this eve. "It is so good to see you out and about". she hugs Eira happily. Eira looks uncomfortable but hugs her back nonetheless.

Eira and my wife Freydis used to be childhood best friends until they reached adolescence. Then for some unknown reason, they drifted apart. According to my wife, it was Eira who drifted from her. She never knew the reason but after trying unsuccessfully to reconnect she gave up. This was also around the time I began courting Freydis.

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