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It turned into a routine.
They would go to the garden behind the school or a park near it and they would stay there for hours after school. Sometimes so late they would only leave the park at midnight.

You might ask yourself what the hell do they do if one of them doesn't talk at all.
Well they play cards, they write, they play games, Namjoon tells jokes and stories and they also look at the sky for hours and hours.
It might sound boring to you but it's not for them, because they have each other's company.

Namjoon kept trying every day to hear his hyung's voice.
A month had passed by and a friendship was built. A friendship where there's only one voice but the love for each other is equal and blossoms like a flower.

-Can you give me your phone number or you're also against using cell phones?- Namjoon said joking about the situation that happened earlier where he found out that Yoongi was completely against not feeding the animals on the park which is a strict rule there.

Yoongi let out something that could possibly be mistaken by a sigh but it was like a laugh without sound. Like a breeze just left yoongi's mouth but Namjoon recognized it and a bright smile ripped his face.

-Was that a laugh? Was that a sign of a laugh??- Namjoon exclaimed excited.

Yoongi couldn't help but smile what made Namjoon even more happier.
He could kiss Yoongi right there, at that moment, at that place. He really wanted to so he grabbed Yoongi's face who for moment looked surprised.

-Right I'm sorry.- Namjoon said and sat again.

Once more Yoongi took his hand to his chest and felt nothing.

A little less dead {knj+myg}Where stories live. Discover now