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Hey! So, someone wanted a summary of all events up until this point. Here goes a Brief Summary of all the Terrible Things I've written.

Charlie, a girl living in a small town in Maine, wakes up one and finds herself transported to Neverland. There she meets Peter Pan, among other boys who've been held hostage for decades, and is forced to keep her identity a secret. Her friend Johnny begins to plot their escape, while she befriends Alex, Harry, and a young boy named Max. The medic, Jared, discovers her identity and keeps it secret. Around this time, Pan makes a bet with Charlie. If he can find out her secret within 50 days, then she must stay on the island. If not, she can go.

During one of Peter's games, a boy name Samuel attacks Charlie. She is forced to kill him but keeps this murder a secret. Samuel's two friends, Keaton and Gregory, each commit a murder. Keaton claims to have murdered Jared, while Gregory murdered a young boy in front of Charlie.

After this, a group of boys run away from the Lost Boy camp. Suddenly, people begin to become ill, including Max. With Jared gone, there is little they can do to help the group. Charlie is once again forced to fight, though she accidentally kills two boys. She is unable to stop the conspiracy, which Johnny was secretly a part of. The camp burns down, with a few boys dying, among them Keaton and Harry's younger brother. Max has become paralyzed. 

Pan and Charlie have a final confrontation, where he reveals her biggest secret. It is not her gender, but rather that she has magical powers. Pan reveals her gender to the other Lost Boys, leaving Charlie embarrassed. Alex follows after her, and the two are kidnapped by the Indigenous tribe on the island. Now, a war wages. 

Peter and Charlie kiss for the first time. They have begun a secret romance.

Surprisingly, Jared returns with amnesia. With him, he brings a crazed Rufio, a lost boy who had been tortured by Hook for decades. The boy consistently attacks Charlie for her resemblance to Hook, Harry for his resemblance to the Indigenous people, and Max since he looks like he has the heart of the truest believer. Eventually, Charlie uses her magic to accidentally exchange her memories for Jared's, and in response, Pan switches Jared's for Rufio's. Now, Rufio dies. 

Alex is heartbroken, as it is revealed that Rufio is his ex-boyfriend and that Alex killed Keaton for getting Rufio and Jared killed, two acts which did not occur. Devastated, he turns to Harry, who it is revealed is his boyfriend. Charlie, in turn, begins to struggle with the murders she has committed, and receives mysterious messages from her dead Mom, who tells her (in dreams), that Charlie is part of a prophecy to defeat Peter Pan.

After the war with the Natives culminates, Pan gives Charlie permission to bring a few girls on to the island. Four come: Blaize (an arsonist), Elizabeth (a medic), Frank (a pickpocket), and Alison (Charlie's childhood best friend). They are being targeted secretly by someone who Charlie is trying to find the identity of. Blaize and Elizabeth are both attacked. In retaliation, Blaize tries to set Gregory on fire but instead sets a tent on fire, which kills Max. It is revealed that Felix was targetting them all along since he loves Frank. A heartbroken Charlie is comforted by Jared until she has to leave the camp.

Then, she joins up with the crew from Storybrooke, where she discovers Hook is her uncle. The crew is trying to rescue their son Henry, and Charlie joins them on their adventures. She ultimately does not stop the group from defeating Pan to get their son back, because he reminds her of Max. Additionally, all of her friends are ready to leave Pan's clutches. Around this time, Blaize, Jared and Gregory get into another altercation after a terrible attack on Elizabeth

After what Charlie believes is Pan's death, Charlie joins the remaining Lost Boys on their journey to Storybrooke. After landing, Charlie and Alex are mortally wounded. Charlie awakens in the hospital, surprised to fins Alex alive after watching him die (as it happens, Harry and Alex are soulmates and are sharing a heart). 

To enact his curse, Pan must kill the thing he loves most. As it turns out he is alive, he manipulates Charlie into acting horribly, so that he loves Felix's loyalty more. After killing Felix, Pan's casts his curse over the town. Charlie watches and lets Rumplestilskin kill Pan, without stopping him. Regina casts a counter-curse which removes Storybrooke and all memories of it from this world.

Surprisingly, Charlie and her friends' memories remain. They move on to get an apartment in Maine.

The rest is history (or in the epilogue. Read those! Important!)

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