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Peter, if you could change everything to fit it the way you wanted it to be, what would you change and why?

Peter: Isn't it obvious? The plan was perfect until my dear little brother literally stabbed me in the back. If that had worked out, Charlotte would be with me and I would be in charge of everything.


Although, maybe Charlotte would still have left me anyway, and maybe that would be better for her.

How do you feel about having a kid, Charlie?

Charlie: Listen, I'm trying to stop swearing because Johnny asked me too, but this is fucking insane. It's me, a baby, and practically four pseudo Dads? I mean, Johnny leads the way thank God, because somehow he makes the best parent out of all of us? Still, I really don't know what to do, and if I should tell him about Peter. I can't keep him hidden from his Dad as my Mom did with mine, but what else can I do?

What is your favourite thing about the modern world?

Alex: There are so many things to hate about this century. Refrigerators are loud, elevators are terrifying, and don't even get me started on cell phones. If I had to be honest, my favourite thing is vaccinations. They make everything much better.

How do you see the kids turning out? Happy or broken?

Oh, for sure happy. Max has like, half a dozen uncles who play with him all the time. He notices something is wrong, through side-eyes at dinner and through nightmares in the middle of the night. However, he knows that I'd they are tough than he can be too.
As for Juliet, she is sadder. Her single mom struggles to pay the bills, and if she is lucky, she can see her Dad once a year (if Alison lets him). Juliet wishes she knew what happened to her Dad and her "twin" but she never does.

Why did you take in Max, Johnny?

It was the perfect plan. Charlie found out she was pregnant and had a nervous breakdown. We didn't know until four months in because she never got up and moving. I'll spare you the details about the discussion of terminating the pregnancy, and basically, say we were either putting Max up for adoption or one of us was taking him. I couldn't bear the thought of another baby in foster care, so it was a no brainer. Charlie needed space to get better, so we pretended Max was Charlie's twin. We have the added benefit of me having a beautiful son, and not abandoning the son of two powerful magic wielders.

Umm, baby Max?

Baby Max avoided all the struggles of his parents. He doesn't wonder until later in life why his Dad lives with all his Uncles in a house. As he gets older, surrounded by storybook characters, he figures out that they are the lost boys, with Charlie included. He figures out that Charlie is his mom before she tells him, which she planned on doing on his birthday since they look so similar. Although, he is confused as to why Johnny and Charlie had a baby and didn't tell him.

Do I intend for Jared and Charlie to get together?

Even though Jared would be okay, I think Charlie has to be single forever. I imagine that they live together and that they sleep in the same bed, and that they love each other, but I don't imagine that they would ever kiss or go on dates. Max would probably call Jared Uncle Alex, but he would also call Charlie Auntie Charlie. So, their relationship is complicated.

Peter, did you actually love Charlie? When did you realize you did?

Sometimes I wonder if I know what love is. Charlie was always interesting, and always fun to play with. She always took things so seriously. The closest I've come to what you might be describing began
Oil: I think a lot of people think this is a secret I will take to the grave. It isn't. I don't know the answer, to be honest.

Does Harry ever know about what really happened to Thomas?

No. He never does.

Charlie, what changed you morally throughout the story?

I never changed. At every point I was trying to survive. I got carried away, and that's the trouble.

How did you plan the story, Oil?

Well thank you for asking. I planned this series different from the every other, with the 22 chapter format leading to a planned climax. Along the way, I would throw in chapters that I felt needed to be there. So the story and the characters both wrote themselves and it was planned. I recommend at least a rough plan and goal in sight, which I think is really helpful.

Alex, when did you know that you liked Harry? How did he change your opinion on things?

I knew I loved him well before I met Charlie. And I don't know how the fuck I'm supposed to know what I would have done if he wasn't there. Harry changed everything for me.

Johnny, what was your plan? What is up between you and Charlie?

Listen, Charlie is like my baby sister. Sure, I had feelings for her once upon a dream or whatever, but that wasn't even relevant on Neverland. Pan is and has always been vile and cruel, and I was just trying to get us both out of there. I didn't want to hurt people, but I was listening to Dominique. I pissed Charlie off with my violence, and she did the same to me. I'm good, I'm just frustrated and tired.

How does everybody see themselves and the main character?

I think I will just briefly summarize. Johnny sees himself as someone who made mistakes but is doing better now, and he sees Charlie as a good person who needs time to heal from her wounds, so he gives her the space to do so. Harry thinks Charlie is a broken sweet girl but he needs her to be better, and he is okay with where he is (he spends too much time focusing on his friend to deal with himself). Alex hated himself until he got Keaton's letter. He kind of just let Charlie do her own thing. She is annoying and brash and brave and he trusts her. Jared thinks Charlie is broken in all the ways he is, and wants her to fix him. He loathes himself for what he has done, because he couldn't fix Elizabeth. The girls don't really have much of an opinion on Charlie (except Alsion who hates her). They knew her for such a short time, she was just a violent girl in love with a monster who ended up turning good suddenly. However, they all have long tragic stories, and Neverland was barely a chapter in their lives.

I think Charlie is a brave girl who did anything to keep herself safe, and I think that she isn't perfect, but she isn't malicious either. She's just Volatile.

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