A/N - This chapter mentions drugs and as usual, contains some bad language. If you cannot handle that, please do not read. Enjoy :)
"Give me my fucking bong back!" Austin yelled.
"Never!" I yelled running away from him. I handed it over to Bella who ran across the yard towards the tree house.
She gave it to Brady who brought it up the ladder. Bella and I followed Brady up the ladder and quickly locked the door to the tree house. Hayden stood at the bottom of the tree and crossed his arms. He looked pretty angry.
"I swear if any of you hit that you won't see daylight for a month," Hayden yelled.
"I want my bong back!" Austin whined.
The neighbors were probably very confused.
Mason and Blake walked outside and looked at eachother slowly, followed by the rest of the guys.
"What the hell is going on out here?" Blake asked.
Great question Blakey, great question. Let's start with three days ago, shall we?
Bella and I walked into Hayden's room, not knowing what to expect. We had just been caught drinking and now got the privalidge of being Hayden's personal servants for three days.
He was sitting on his bed, texting someone.
He looked up and grinned evilly. "Hello girls," he said.
"Okay," I rolled my eyes, "what do we have to do."
"First I want you to fold my laundry," he said, "then go make me a sandwich."
Bella and I looked at eachother. This was going to be hell.
We did everything we were told for the next three days.
Finally our last day had come and we were almost done. Brady had been caught trying to drink on day two, and joined in on the punishment. Hayden is just lucky he always walks in the room at the wrong time.
We were all exhausted from being ordered around nonstop for three days.
Bella looked up. "Hey, do you guys smell that?" she asked.
Austin and Hayden were upstairs having some cousin bonding time, as they called it.
The rest of the guys went out for lunch.
"Smells like..." I took a deep breathe.
"Weed," we all said at the same time.
Bella started laughing. "How much you wanna bet they're using Austin's bong?"
Brady and I looked at eachother, almost in disbelief.
"Austin has a bong?" I asked.
"Oh yeah," Bella said, "are you surprised?"
"No fair!" Brady whined. I slapped him on the arm.
"Shut up, Brady," I rolled my eyes before turning to Bella, "does Mason know about this?"
Bella snorted, "No, and if he did Austin would get his ass beat. The only reason I know about it is because I walked in on him and his friends doing it. They each payed me fifty bucks to keep my mouth shut. Easy $200," she smirked.
my six bodyguards
Dla nastolatków"let's give this girl six older brothers" they said "it will be fun" they said um... whoever "they" is, really wanted to see me struggle!