Stainburrow (Prologue)

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Disclaimer 1:
This book requires a lot of re-writes (as in it needs to be completely re-written). I'd suggest reading 'Stainburrow' instead as it has a much higher quality as i had much more experience writing it, largely thanks to this book.
If you still wish to continue, know this isn't my best work.

Disclaimer 2:

What you are about to read contains a lot of blood and gore and bla bla bla. Listen if you can handle monsters reminiscent of dead space, resident evil or the original Hellraiser (before it just devolved into torture porn) you should be fine. If not then you don't have to read it. Also please excuse the first chapter, it gets better I promise. Anyway I hope you enjoy it.

1. The Amulet

The 2 used to be students stood in front of him. They were shaking constantly as if they were locked in a freezer for a month while the carving knifes they were holding nearly completed the process of embedding themselves into their flesh. Their grins meanwhile were wide as physically possible and showing their teeth which was reverting to their more primal state. It was a sad thing indeed that tap water was so much cheaper.
- Hey Carl – said one, the words seeping through their grin – I think it's that time again.
- The time when you finally leave me alone and throw yourselves off a bridge?
- No – said the other grabbing his neck – The time when we finally fucking kill you.
- That's great – said Carl struggling to break free but ultimately achieving nothing as he wasn't particularly strong, nor did he accidentally ingest steroids on a regular basis.

At this point both of them started stabbing him multiple times which would have caused him to scream were he not in a chokehold. As he was on the brink of death he hoped to god that Luluby would find him.
- Put him down – and she did – Right now. Or ill turn you into headless chickens.
They did as she asked and slowly started shuffling backwards unnaturally as their heads started moving in a disturbingly fast fashion.
Carl was sitting on the ground wailing as blood started gushing up from his throat at an alarming rate. Luluby grabbed him by the throat and picked him back up. After this she punched him in the stomach so hard that purple beams of light escaped from his mouth. A moment of dizziness later he was fully healed and on his feet.
- Thank you – Carl said as he was catching his breath.
- Well of course dearie. Wouldn't want my protagonist to get murdered at the beginning now would I? – She said adjusting her hair, more out of looking 'authentic' than trying to be prettier. No matter who would look at him/her they would see the most gorgeous man/woman they could imagine.
- What do you mean by that? – asked Carl terrified at the prospect of what she had in store for him.
- I have a whole adventure set up just for you and let me tell you, it will be great. Much better than ending up crunching numbers at a desk.
- Can't you find anyone else? I'll be fine with the numbers.....
- Oh no no no. It would only work with you. I guess you can interpret that as "you are special" or the "Chosen one". – She giggled while handing him a necklace with a large orange gem embedded into it.
- What am I supposed to do with this? – Carl asked while inspecting it thoroughly
- It's magical and wonderful and it will save your sorry ass many times in the days to come, because I won't be there to do it for you.
- Why....?
- Because a good story needs a little strife, wouldn't you agree? It would be a lot more fun to watch. Anyways toddles dearie! Try not to die at the first hurdle tomorrow. I'll need your blood later.
With that she disappeared in the blink of an eye and Carl was left alone not knowing what to do.

2. Deus Ex Machina

He was lying in bed staring at the clock. He has been for the last 8 hours while being unable to sleep. Maybe if he did Luluby would do..... something. He had no idea what she had planned. Probably something involving combat of some kind but at the same time she was always there to save him in the end every time she did so. Now all he had was this bloody jewel filled with 'magical energy' or some other nonsense. He didn't believe in magic or magical creatures or any of that type of crap. He found it a lot more likely that Luluby was a goddess of trickery. But at the same time if gods exist and their powers can't be explained by science..... He shook his head as he was way too tired to go down that rabbit hole. 6:59 said his clock and the moment it switched over to 7 and begun beeping he slammed his hand onto it and got up immediately. He put on his clothes and walked into the kitchen where he sat for the next half an hour while trying to pry the gem from the rest of the necklace, without much success. After this half an hour expired like clockwork, his brother walked in.
- Hey Carl – Yawned Roger – I'll get done in about 10 minutes okay? – He looked very pale but nothing unnatural to the untrained, eye however the small bites on his arms were a larger hint as to his private activities.
- You know when Mom and Dad will be back from the factory? – Asked Carl while keeping the amulet out of his sightline.
- I think by about 12. Oh yea while I get ready to go you should try on my old tuxedo.
- Why?
- Because they are bringing you to the party instead of me.
- I repeat, why?
- No fucking clue. Apparently their boss gave them a presentation about the "advantages of involving their children in the business" and they didn't see through the completely bogus idea. I thought parents didn't want their children to grow up this bloody fast.
- You think we can still save them?
- No. They are too far gone.
Carl sighed, walking into his brother's room and putting on his tuxedo. He liked being in there mostly because it was ALL painted black which somehow made it less bleak than the chlorine white of his.
- Ha! You wear it better than I did. – said Roger trying to cheer himself up more than him.
- Can we go now? – asked Carl who regretted even waking back up to this world.
- Alright just get the umbrellas I don't want any more burns.

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