00. you said music was a gift from the gods, well i'd say it's you.

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America picked up his ringing phone annoyedly, he's been trying to make a coffee but his phone distracted him from a job he thought was hard, it was far easier to just lay in the sofa and watch TV

"what?" he growled, his heart burning with anger

"hey America, it's me, Ukraine, i was wondering if you'd like to check that vintage shop a couple of blocks from your apartment? my brother works there and i want to pay him a visit, besides i think your brother works there too" Ukraine replied, putting pressure the word 'your'

"which one? Canada? and which one of your brothers? Russia or Belarus? never met any of them" America asked, putting his cup under the coffee machine and pressed a button, not really having a full grasp of how to use the machine

"yes, that one, and it's Russia, sorry you never met them, they're all so busy, but i've never met your family too, except for Canada though, will you please come with me?" Ukraine pleaded, the sound of an engine starting was heard in the background

"they're all busy too, sorry, nevermind that though, you're asking for too much, but fine– wait, what's that noise?" America asked, turning off the machine and taking a sip of his coffee

"it's just my car, i'll pick you up, probably 15-20 minutes from now, oh, bring a backpack too, just incase i've bought too much to hand-hold, bye and thanks Ame!" Ukraine had already hung up before America had the chance to reply

"i'm still in my pajamas– he could've atleast told me an hour ago" America cursed under his breath and ran around his apartment looking for clothes he could wear

"where's that goddamn shirt– this thing is oversized– get out of the way cat! this'll do" he mumbled to himself and ran towards the bathroom, spending 10 minutes in there

"i've wasted so much time, this is Ukraine's fault, why couldn't he have warned me sooner?" America talked to himself again, a bit louder this time, while trying to put on his pitch black — oversized — shirt and grey jeans

he grabbed his grey backpack and put on his shoes, desperately trying to find the other pair of his sock

finally, after a minute or four, he was fully dressed and the doorbell rang

Ukraine showed up with a big smile and spared no time for chit-chats, he quickly grabbed his poor friend's hand and dragged him towards the car

"i'm sorry to make you carry a backpack and rush around, i know you usually get dressed for an hour, and i figured you'd be mad at me so i stopped by and bought you fries" Ukraine showed America the bag that contained fries, but America shook it off, grunting and looking at the opposite direction

Ukraine started the car and drove off, "there's a burger and soda there, too, if you still don't forgive me i'll force diet coke down your throat" Ukraine chuckled

America huffed and grabbed the bag, peering inside to make sure this wasn't a prank "thanks, i guess" America mumbled, but loud enough for Ukraine to hear

"no prob, 's the least i could do, we're here anyway" Ukraine smiled and pulled over, "what? but we just started to drive a minute ago" America asked, confusion clear on his face

"it's just a couple of blocks away from your house idiot, of course it's far closer by car" Ukraine rolled his eyes and closed the driver seat's door "hurry up and get out, i'm locking the doors" Ukraine continued

America did as he was told and walked towards the vintage looking store, he never really noticed it before, never really seemed to catch his eye, always captivated his father and Canada's eyes, though

he looked through the set of CDs and found one called "Hey Jude", it was one of his father's favorites, he took it off from the shelf, listening to it wouldn't hurt anyone

"look at you, already taking CDs off it's shelves, i told you you'd like it" Ukraine patted his friend's back and grabbed one too

"an old favorite of mine, really amazing band.." Ukraine mumbled to himself, not really paying attention, he wouldn't lie though, the shop was brilliant, it had amazing songs stacked on the shelves, from popular bands to another

how had he never found this place interesting?

after a few minutes of looking around, Ukraine finally called out "Ame! i've finished shopping, i'm gonna go talk to Canada, if you're done you can go pay up now"

America gave him a short nod and walked towards the cashier, putting four CDs down "is that all? nothing else you'd like to add?" the cashier asked nicely

something about the cashier sent blood rushing to America's face, making his legs wobbly and volcanoes of butterflies to erupt in his stomach

he didn't know what caused it, was it his thick accent? or just the way he looked at America?

"your number would be nice though" America said, not having full control over his own mouth "i'm sorry, what?" the cashier asked, one of his eyebrows raised

"i meant your name" America corrected himself, but it didn't make the situation any better, the cashier only gave him a tiny smirk "Russia, what's yours?" the cashier replied

"America, nice to meet you" he smiled, his confidence slowly– but surely building up "you're Ukraine's friend, right?" Russia asked, scanning the CDs one by one

"yeah, i'm guessing you're his brother?" America asked, looking over his shoulder to find Ukraine with his brother, laughing together, "that's right" Russia replied, scanning the last one

after paying, America tapped Ukraine's shoulder signaling him to retreat back to the car

"Ukraine" America began as soon as they're in Ukraine's car, putting all of their CDs inside America's backpack "Russia's your brother, right? he was the one wearing the ushanka right?" America asked, biting into his burger

"yes? how'd you know how he looked like? never introduced my family to you" Ukraine looked at America suspiciously "well it's about time, i asked him, by the way" America rolled his eyes

"i guess you're right, never really knew Canada was your brother until i mentioned you, i'll introduce you to my family and vice versa, we've been friends for almost a year and we never even knew each other's family tree" Ukraine mumbled

"i rarely meet them now, but my brothers often comes 'round my apartment, especially Canada, i'll teach you my family tree, and you can teach me yours, back at my place, you up for it?" America finished his burger and sipped his soda. "sure, that'd be nice, it's about time too" Ukraine smiled and drove towards America's house.

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