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((This is based on the anime Highschool of the dead. It's the gas station scene where Takashi and Rei goes to the gas station to gas up the bike but something happens to rei yixing as takashi and Junmyeon as Rei))
There is a zombie apocalypse happening and Yixing & Junmyeon tries to escape. Yixing found a bike "Hey, Junmyeon, I found a bike." Junmyeon sighed "We might find something useful" Yixing kept on staring at Junmyeon. Junmyeon angrily pouted "What are you staring at, idiot?! You should help too!" Yixing sighed and nodded. Junmyeon saw a beat up police car with an officer that was dead. He found handcuffs (what is he gonna do with those 7w7), a stick, keys and a gun. Junmyeon looked at yixing "Do you know how to use a gun?" He asked and yixing shook his head "But i've seen some cop shows. You only put your finger on the trigger when you want to shoot, right?" Yixing picked up the gun and stared at it like it was suspicious. Junmyeon looked confused "Is something wrong?" Yixing shrugged "It...feels kinda heavy." Junmyeon sighed heavily "Well duh. It's not a toy." Junmyeon walked away. Yixing was still analyzing the gun "i only have 5 shots" he said to himself. Junmyeon walked up to yixing "Yixing." He called his name and gave him more bullets. Junmyeon had a rag to wipe the blood off of him "It's from another officer. His gun wasn't in working condition. But you can still use the bullets." He said as he still was wiping the blood off of himself. Yixing looked at Junmyeon and then the bullets "wow, i'm amazed." He said as he looked at the bullets. Junmyeon looked up at him confused and looked back down to clean himself "i've seen the one my dad uses. And do you think i'd be afraid of blood after what we've gone through?" Yixing looked at Junmyeon for a while. He saw Junmyeon putting the stick in his pocket. Yixing putted the gun in his pocket.

They went on the bike. Junmyeon was holding a bat and a stick that had a point on it (i really don't know what it's called) He asked "Do you need these?" Yixing looked back at Junmyeon "Guns aren't exactly reliable if you don't know how to aim" Junmyeon smiled "But you feel a bit safer now, don't you?" Yixing looked back at the front and drove off with Junmyeon.

Their bike was running out of gas so they went to the gas station. Junmyeon said "I wonder if they still have gas." Yixing sighed "Every gas station has at least enough gas to fill up 1,000 cars. I'm sure they still do." Yixing walked up to the gas tank and gritted his teeth. Junmyeon jumped frightened "What is it?" Yixing sighed "This is a self-serve station. We need to slide a card or put in some cash." "Then do it." Yixing looked away "i bought a juice earlier...i only have 30 won left." Junmyeon blinked a few times and frowned his eyebrows "You suck." Yixing got angry and turned around "well excuse me for not being kris!" Kris was Junmyeon's boyfriend but he died because he got bitten by a zombie. Junmyeon gasped and got angry "What the hell's your problem?! When did i ever compare you with kris?!" "You told me that i suck! That would mean there's someone awesome to compare me against! You're obviously thinking of Kris!" Junmyeon got more angrier "You suck so much." Suddenly, Junmyeon flinched because Yixing pulled out his hand. He was confused "What do you want?" Yixing angrily said "Cash! Can i borrow some?" Junmyeon looked away "Well, my purse is back in my bag.." Yixing's eyes widened "What, and you just told me that i suck?" Yixing sighed "Wait right here. Just scream if something happens" Junmyeon nodded and sighed. Suddenly, He felt like someone was watching him behind his back. Yixing walked into the store "Is...Anyone here?" There was nobody there. Yixing looked around and saw the cash register. He walked up to the cash register but couldn't open it. He sighed "well, i've always wanted to try this." He said to himself. Yixing had a bat. He smirked and smashed the cash register. Junmyeon flinched at the loud noise. He was confused "What was that?" He turned to the store where the noise came from. Junmyeon sighed "wow, sounds like someone's having fun." He said to himself. Junmyeon had a flashback on when he was fighting and killing the zombies. He sighed and lend his head back on the gas tank. Junmyeon smiled a little "I should probably quit giving him a hard time..." he said to himself. He didn't feel comfortable at all. He felt like someone was watching him until, someone grabbed him. Junmyeon started screaming. Yixing got startled "Junmyeon?!" Yixing ran out the store and saw someone holding Junmyeon by his waist. Junmyeon was struggling trying to get out of the person's arms "hey! Stop moving!" The guy said as he brought a knife up to Junmyeon's Throat. Junmyeon stopped struggling as he looked at the person in horror.

Yixing came running "Junmyeon, what's wrong!?" He gasped. It was a guy named Park Chanyeol. Chanyeol turned around with Junmyeon in his arms. Chanyeol smirked and started laughing crazy. Chanyeol stopped and smirked "Hey bro! You boy is pretty cute!" Yixing angrily said "Let him go!" Chanyeol scoffed and laughed "you dumb? Like hell i'd do that. If i want to survive in this monster filled world, I need a boy." He chuckled darkly as he squeezes Junmyeon's waist. Junmyeon winced. Yixing glared at Chanyeol "Are you...insane?" Chanyeol eyes widened "Am i insane?" He questioned himself as he laughed darkly "Like hell i am!" He yelled. Chanyeol kept on babbling about his family. "How the fuck could i stay sane!?" He laughed darkly once again. Junmyeon felt uncomfortable. Suddenly, Junmyeon pushed Chanyeol away "Yixing!" He cried out his name but Chanyeol grabbed Junmyeon by the waist and Started to touch Junmyeon sexually. Junmyeon kept on moaning. Chanyeol chuckled as he went up Junmyeon's shirt "His Nipples and His voice are mighty fine!" Chanyeol kept on Touching his Nipples and His crotch. Yixing gritted his teeth angrily as He saw This guy touching Junmyeon sexually. "Hey, You fuck him, right? Every night, don't you?" He questioned yixing as he smirked. He stopped "Or...wait...You don't?" He laughed "Are you an idiot?!" Chanyeol lifted Junmyeon's Shirt and started touching Him. His hands went down and touched his crotch. Junmyeon couldn't stop moaning but he wanted Chanyeol to stop "Y-Yixing!" He cried out. Yixing couldn't believe what was happening to Junmyeon. Yixing stepped forward and stopped "Hey, Toss me that bat!" Chanyeol yelled at Yixing. "If you don't, He's dead." Chanyeol looked away "And..." he looked at Yixing's bike "I'm taking your bike." Yixing sighed lowly "It's out of gas.." Chanyeol eyes widened "You busted the cash register! You've got tons of money!" He pointed the knife at Yixing while having his arms around Junmyeon's waist. "Refill the damn thing!" He yelled at yixing once again. Yixing looked down and threw the bat on the floor. Yixing putted the money in the slot of the gas tank. Yixing took out the handle and putted it in the slot of the bike tank. "Hey, can you let us go? We're on our way to see if our parents are safe." Chanyeol scoffed "Weren't you listening to a thing i said?! If they're in town, then your parents met the same fate as mine!" Yixing took out the handle and putted it back. Yixing put the plug back on the bike tank so it won't open. "Done." Chanyeol scoffed "Then go! Go!" Yixing stepped forward a little. Yixing tried to get close to Chanyeol and Junmyeon "Hey, can you—" he was cut off by Chanyeol yell "Shut up! Do you want me to kill you too?!?" He pointed the knife at Yixing. Yixing smiled a little "Can you—" he stepped even closer but Chanyeol yelled again "Shut up! Or i'll seriously fucking kill you!" Yixing had a determined look on his face and he grabbed the gun out of his pocket. Yixing ran to Chanyeol and pointed the gun at his chest on his right. Junmyeon jumped in Chanyeol arms as he was frightened. Chanyeol gasped. Yixing looked up "I've never fired a gun before, but i can't miss at point-blank range" Chanyeol stuttered "W-What if it ignites the gasoline?" Yixing glared at Chanyeol coldly "It's a lot better than giving you my boyfriend." Junmyeon smiled a little. Yixing pulled the trigger and shot Chanyeol. Junmyeon got out of Chanyeol's grip and ran to yixing.

Chanyeol yelled "Fuck! B-Blood! Blood!" Chanyeol looked up at Junmyeon. Junmyeon was fuming mad at Chanyeol for touching him sexually "How...Dare...You!!" Yixing stopped Junmyeon "Don't do it, Myeon." Junmyeon looked at Yixing shocked "But!" Yixing looked Junmyeon "We don't have time to deal with him. After all...that noise we made was loud." Junmyeon gasped and looked at the zombies that were coming after them.

Chanyeol looked at them worriedly "Hey! You gonna leave?! You gonna leave me here?! Come on help me!" They both glared at Chanyeol coldly. They ignored him and left.

((One hell of a ride am i right??? That was fun :) i still remember this anime and i wanted to make this chapter. Anyways the anime was Highschool of dead. If you don't know what it is, search it up :) it's a really cool anime!))

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