"when will she wakes up?" Mari said "i don't know" the black haired girl answered.I looked at them with hate,and anger."look she is awake" Mari said
"what do you want with me?" "your blood sample" Lori said "what?" I said dumbfounded The three went to a lab,more like an experiment room.It has all kind of chemicals,and things for an experiment.
Lori pick up a syringe from the table,and take my blood.Mari stands behind me,and take some notes.My blood is red,why did they think i'm any different from them?
"your blood is blue" Mari said "that isn't possible" i said harsly than i intended "but it is the truth,which is why we are going to find out more about you" they said together.
The door opened to reveal Aiden,and Elias.They look amused by my presence."what do you need?" Mari said sweetly at Elias.Aiden looked jealous when Mari didn't pay attention to him.
I sneakily went out,and Mist used her magic to make me invisible."we need to get out of here" Mist said popping suddenly "they are going to do something terrible to you"
Seven minutes passed,and we still haven't found the way out.The hallways are confusing,but Mist seems to figure the way around.A sudden voice startled us.
"not so fast" Elias said Mist used her powers to distract him by creating mists around the hallway.I take the chance to swing my sword at him,but he jumps backward,and dodges my attack.
"why are you kidnapping me?" I asked "....." Elias said nothing,and stares blankly ahead. "because it's my duty" i become puzzled by his statement.Mist pulled me out of my thoughts,and pushed me aside as she gathered her energy to weaken Elias magic.
"It's not working" she said panicking "go back with me to the lab" Elias said crossing his arm impatiently.Before Elias could reacts ,a purple thread binds his body."who" he said
"let's get out of here" Kuro said I turned my attention to Elias who have prepared to fight us."you are not going anywhere" Mist fell into the ground clutching her head."what did you do to her!" Kuro said
"weak" "you're all weak" he laughed maniacally "shut up" i said "what can you do about it?" he taunts "Elias,good to see you found them" Aiden said standing near us."come back with us before someone got killed" they taunted.
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At that moment,a bright light shine around us revealing a girl no older than 12."what are you looking at?" Aiden asked me.It looks like they can't see her.The girl stared intently at me,and waving her hand for me to follow her.I did as she told,and we come across a town.
I looked behind me,but Aiden and Elias are gone."where are we going" Kuro asked "somewhere" is all i said since i'm as confused as her.
Meanwhile (mysteryous person pov) ********** "where did they go" Aiden said "more importantly,where are we" Elias said.They walked around in circles,with no luck founding a way back.I tried to stop from giggling at them.
Author Note *********** Hey everyone,what do you think about my story.Anyway i might not continue this story for a while,because i'm on vacation to my favourite country~japan😍
But don't worry,i will continue this story as soon as i can.I've been to universal studios osaka yesterday,and it was fun.....anyway i recommend you to go to japan especially in Tokyo.There must be many shopping district there.
I'm at Kyoto right now,enjoying the view from the bus.Bye~