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   Jungkook strides out of the bathroom, grabbing all of there stuff shoving it in a backpack. Jimin helps but slower, 'why is he moving so fast, what's wrong they don't know we're here yet?'

"Jungkook, chill, they don't know we're here-"

" Jimin listen to me, they can track me, only until we reach a certain point, over the Han river, then we'll be free, no one controls any thing or body there." Jimin's eyes go wide as he continues to get all the stuff.

"Ok Guki, I think that's it let's go," Jimin put some clothes on that were his own. Black ripped skinny jeans, and a large black and white shirt. Lastly his favorite shoes, vans.

Jungkook held all the stuff in hand proceeding to open the door and get Jimin out. They sprinted to the car. Once they started it, Jungkook felt a small pain in his chest, but ignored it as they drove to down the highway.

"Guki, it's going to take us a long time..."

"Baby, Listen to me and Listen carefully, I know you're scared, I threw this at you so sudden just leaving like that assuming that you'd want to come, I'm loyal to you and to you only, I've been with you, you're whole life, sense you were born...."

"Guki-"Jimin said with tears rolling down his cheeks

"And I want you to know, I can and will take the blame, tell them I kidnaped you, I forced you to come, and I a bot killed your mother-"

"No! No what are you saying?! I'm going with you Id never do that to you, you'll be shut down, a life will be dead." Jimin grabbed his arm signaling Jungkook to let him hold his hand, and they intertwined eachother's fingers together.

"Jimin, if they know you're on my side helping me, you'll be in prison, and baby I'm not a life to be lost, I'm a robot, I was made to be best for you, to help you, and right now the only way to do that-"

" don't you dare say it Jungkook! Don't you dare fucking say it!" Jimin yells in a raspy voice, breaths to fast to be normal, his eyes blurred and his body trembled.

"Baby you know, that's the only way I don't want to risk it. What if we don't make it huh? Baby I'll be shut down either way..." Jungkook tightens his hand, looking at the small boy.

"W-we c-c-can ma-ke it g-Guki!" Jimin screamed at the top of his lungs.

He just couldn't let him go, his love was to much he knew he'd always crave for him, but he'd never be there, he'd never get to see his smile hear his voice, stare into his bright brown doe orbs.

He needed him, he loved him, he's know him his entire life, and he loved him then too even if back then he couldn't show emotion he loved him with everything he could ever have, his only friend.

The love changed though, it was a different kind of love, a romantic one.... Jimin knew it and wanted him, he craved for the bots attention, for his touches, kisses...for his love.

He'd do anything, anything to be with his love. He'd never let him go, even if he had to go to jail, even if it meant death for the 16 year old boy, he didn't care. As long as they were together.

"Baby no, I think we should turn around-"

"Don't you fucking dare! Don't do it Guki I need you, I want to be free with you.. I don't care if there's a world filled with people, I want you. I want your touches, your kisses, your lips, I want to feel your gaze on me every time I sleep, I want you to feel my love they way I feel yours. Guki if you love me you'll try. Try for us both. Get us over the Han river... so finally we could be together in peace,"

Jimin whispered the last part, looking at Jungkook with his puppy eyes and trembling lip.

"I-I ok I will, but are you sure-"

"I'm so sure, this is the best decision I've ever made, I love you, I love you, I love you! Please I want this, I'll risk it all for you, because without you my love, I know I'm nothing, I know I'd miss you ever day. Every morning I wake up I'd be think of what we had... what could have been if only we tried. And ever night I'd think of you hugs, of how you could have been smilingly at me, but I'd be alone thinking

If only we had tried,"

Jungkook for the first time in his existence shed tears, gray black tears. Jimin was quick to wipe them
Off with his sleeve, leaving stains but after Jimin kissed his sleeve kissed Jungkook's 'tears'  and Jungkook saw and he knew. He knew that Jimin was worth everything.

"Us against humanity, us against the people that don't think we can be together, don't think you can feel... but their wrong they don't see it. I know you feel, I know you love, they are discriminating you for not having a beating heart..."

"But you know what, that makes you better,  not only stronger physically, but in yourself, you changed you made yourself feel, worked hard for it, made it grow. Humans they don't appreciate what's given, and Guki ..."

"Yes ba-by, y-yes?" Jungkook looked at him through his 'tears'.

"I would be a robot, so we could live together forever,"

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