Jimin's dirty shoes touched the muddy ground, his heart beating excessively fast. A sheer coat of sweat glistening on his body. He wore what he had been wearing before, plain clothes.

This was it.

The moment he's waited for. The river was long and trouble some to look at. It's difficult to find a way to get across, because, well you can't see the other side. How did Jungkook make it there, maybe he swam across? His body didn't need rest, but it does needs brakes from something like that. "Jin, how..." a helicopter was heard and Jimin cocked his head up to see that it was landing.

"A-are you sure?" Jin nodded grabbing the boys hand once the helicopter landed. The air was moist and it was humid much different from where Jimin came from. It was a very, very long trip.

"Jinnie so glad you made it. This the human boy everyone has been talking about?" Jimin sat and let the grey haired robot strap him in. He was beyond nervous and had no idea what to say or even think. But one thing that was on his mind was Jungkook, in fact that was the only thing on his mind. Finally.

As the helicopter began to fly up Jin held his hand from the seat over. "You ready to see Jungkook!?" Jin yelled over the swishing sound of the blades.

"Yes!" Jimin answered. He watched out the window to see they were flying over the water. It was beautiful the moon glistening over the dark blue water. After a little while Jimin began to see how the trees began to disappear and were replaced with buildings the city. It was amazing, the technology and advancement was beyond that of the humans. It was everything.

They began to land on a tall building and Jimin's heart sped up. The sky was dark blue but all the lights of the city lit up Jimin's path once he got off.
"Come on Jimine. Just this way." Jimin walked hand in hand with the bot, the breeze making his hair rustle softly.

They walked through a door that was a blue grey color painted perfectly, it was nothing like the human city. Jin took Jimin down stairs, the human boy looked at the steps. They would light up briefly once he stepped down to the next. It was dim but once they finished the flight of stairs it led to an elevator. One with white and silver doors that lit up once Jin presses a blue button.

They rode to the 1st floor and got off. Jimin almost gasped at all the bots that roamed freely. They looked classy and formal, Jimin stood out and he knew it. Everyone looked over to him once they were at the front of the doors. Jimin looked all over, all the pairs of eyes on him, but the wrong ones.

"He-he's here?" Jin shook his head, that made Jimin frown a bit, but it was wiped of in less then a second. "He's there." Jimin ran- no he sprinted to where he saw Jungkook, Jungkook did the same and ran all the way to Jimin.

"Jimine! I missed you so much baby!" Jimin let out a sob, one that broke Jungkook's heart. "I-I missed you too~" Jungkook had him in his arms finally. That was too long, they were never going to separate again.

"Oh baby I can't believe it- we made it." It felt so blissful, to be in his arms safe again. The bot moved Jimin away for a moment to look at his beautiful face. Tears down his face, nose, cheeks, and lips strawberry red. Jungkook kissed them, he missed the feeling. He missed the feeling of being able to actually feel again. Everything seemed to be in place now, every last little thing.


"I love you so much Kook-

"I know- I love you more though." Another kiss to the crying boy, another hug, another I love you. Plenty more as long as he lives.

"Lets go home." Jimin cocked his head up. Everything. was. Perfect.

They had an apartment, food, money, Jungkook had a job it was how it was always supposed to be.

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