Chapter 6

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Y/n pov

8:50 pm

I'm hungry I need some edible food

"Y/n I need to talk to you?" My mom said

"Yeah yeah what is it mom?"

"We'll be having a trip"

"I don't wanna go."

"Exactly you and your brother will be staying here silly, he has some schooling to do"

"Ohh okay much better need anything more mom?"

"Here's a credit card for your 1 month expenses"

"Gee thanks mom °•° are you making me in- charge??"

"I don't have anything to do Jungkook wants you to handle it"

Hmmm so it was him who decided

"Don't worry mom this card is in good hands ;>👌"

"Take care of your younger brother we'll be leaving tomorrow"

I nodded and went to the kitchen I cooked some ramyeon and went up to my brother's room

'Knock Knock'

"Come in" I heard him saying

"Yah dongsaeng help me open up the door"

Minutes later he opened the door

"Why so slow geez" I complained

"I'm doing something"

" let's have ramyeon"

"Why?" He asked with confused face

"You don't want to eat what I've cooked for you?"

"Uhh- eehhh no no okay let's eat downstairs"

I didn't mind what he said and hurriedly sat down at his bed

"Why bother going down let's eat here"


"Just eat okay. I'll not tease you, and besides you trusted me with the expenses so it's a thank you meal ^-^"

He looked at me weirdly and just nooded at me

"Thank you for the meal noona"

"Yeah you're welcome"

Jungkook pov

She's not that bad after all

She even cooked me a meal

"Yah dongsaeng are you really sure you just bit that lips of yours?"

Shit. I coughed really hard

"Yah Jungkook are you fine???? Here take this water"

She handed me a glass of water

"Are you fine?"

"Yeah thanks"

"It's really weird you know the last time I saw a bruise on a lips like that, Is when my bestfriend and I we're watching a porn lol"

I gulped how can she manage to say porn without a shame

"Answer me where did you get that bruise?"

Will I confess god this is so wrong

"Uhmm... Well You we're drunk and.. um... You forcedly—"

I wasn't finished saying my statement but she started to laughed so hard

"Come onn broo really forcedly?? You want it too hahahaha--"

I cutted her laughing off

"Noona You know I'm still a guy right so please stop doing things like that to me"

She seemed shocked about what I had said

"Yah! Nerd u can't just easily let me stop especially when I'm always interested on your every reaction when I'm teasing you"

"So just better get out of my sight if u don't like the way I am" she continued and stomped out of my room

Why is she acting like that

Y/n pov

Geez why did I said that I really have to stay away from that nerd now I'm starting to act weird too

"Noona you left your phon-"
I grabbed it fast from his hand and went to my room and shutted it hard

I don't know why but I'm  really annoyed from what he said earlier

A. N.


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