Part 1

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Russia heard a ring run throughout his house. He hesitated before standing up and walking over to the door. He peaked through the peephole in the door to see America ring the door bell again. Russia frowned. He opened the door, slightly, and glared down at America.

"Hey bro!~" America chirped and he lifted up a hand, as if it was also saying hi. "How long?" He's asked almost everytime America came over. "Maybe about two or three days?" America replied.

He squeezed his way through Russia and the door to get in his house. He started to roam around his house, as if it was his own. Russia groaned and slammed the door shut. He walked back over to his couch and fell down onto it. Quickly pulling out his phone to ignore America.

He pulled his knees up to his chest and placed his hands (which were holding his phone) into the pocket of air between his knees and chest. A way of saying he was uncomfortable.

America had taken in the smell of Russia's house. It was kinda big and sorta clean. Though he had dishes and paper laying around. Still, better than his house.

He walked over to the couch Russia was sitting on and sat on the opposite side of it, staring at Russia. When he'd go over to the other countries house, they usually had dinner or a snack out and they talk for hours. But Everytime he went over to Russia's house, Russia would barely talk.

"Wanna do something?" No answer. "Come on bro, you gotta open up to me!" He whined, scooting closer to him. "Heeyy," he places his head on top of Russia's knees.

Russia got spooked and soon kicked him away. Not letting him speak. "Look, I don't know why you have to come over here. There's nothing to do and I don't want to sit and talk with you." He bluntly said, moving his legs down and placing his arms on them.

"It's good to stay close with people." America huffed. He sat up and grabbed his feet to pull them close.

"Just go." Russia got up and glared down at him. America look up with a blank face.

America stood up and Russia actually felt something good. As if he accomplished something. America is actually going to listen to him. But that didn't happen. America completely changed the subject and started talking about if he should make dinner or not.

Russia groaned and rolled his eyes. America put his hands on his hips. "Huh, whatcha think?" He moved up closer to him. "I think you should stay out of my house." He frown. "Maybe oder out?" He suggested and looked away. As if he was thinking. "No, I'm not hungry. So just leave." He attempted. "Nope," America said and walked over to the kitchen.

"It's dirty in here dude! Why didn't you pick up before I came here?" He shouted, making Russia flinch, hurting his ears. "Because I don't want you here.." He mumble and dragged his feet over to the kitchen. He saw that America was cleaning up and moving papers around. "No, no, just stop! Stop touching!" He got in front of America and blocked his away from getting away where.

"Come on dude, I'm helping you out!" America pouted. Moving around trying to get past Russia, but he blocked his path. "How about we oder out then?" America stopped and raised his eyebrow at him.

"I said, I am not hungry." Russia stated in a deep voice. "I know you are. Here," America went into the living as Russia watched. "How about I grab us something?" He grabbed his keys and smiled.

"No," Russia immediately said. Folding his arms. "Alright! Now, what would you like to eat?" He completely ignored him! Russia scoffed, "I just said no-" "I'll get Burger King!" He hopped over to the door. He pointed gun fingers at him before he went out the door and left.

Russia stared at the door before stomping his feet to his room. Closing the door and swearing in Russian.


Ehehehh- o god hElp me


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