Chapter 6

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I woke up early. Again. I had to get into my Thor cosplay so I needed time. The conversation with Izzy yesterday was....okay, I guess. I'm still mad at her for not telling me and somehow I don't want to see her today.

Speaking of her, I received a text message.
I unlocked my phone and taped on her name.

Izzy<3: Good morning Liz. I just wanted to say, that i'm truly sorry and I hope we can talk about it later in person, if you want to. I understand if you don't want tho. Anyways. Can you and John pick up Amanda. I won't make it to con this early, maybe I'll be there at 3p.m.
Thank you. Ly
Liz: Yeah sure. Yes we can pick up Amanda. Name a Time and send me the Adress of the Hotel and we'll be there.
Izu<3: thank you

I locked my phone and sat up. John was still asleep. Time for a prank. I got up, walked into the bathroom, took some of my makeup, like my pink eyeshadow and walked back to him.
When I stopped in front of him, he shifted slightly, but his face was still exposed to me.
I took the opportunity and put the eyeshadow on his eyelid. It was funny to see him with it. Then I walked away and back into the bath to get ready.

Twenty minutes later, I was in my cosplay, had make-up on me and was ready to go. When I walked back into the room, John was sitting and probably checking his insta dms or something.
"Morning John." I snickered. He still had this stupid eyeshadow on him.
He just looked confused and stared me in the eyes.
"Morning Lizzy! Don't I look pretty?" He joked and used the name I hated so much...
"Well yes my highness. You look like a princess." I joked and walked to him, sat on the bed and looked at him.
"By the way princes Johanna. Can we pick up Amanda, Izzy won't come to con this early. She will send me the Adress and the hotel name they stay in." I asked him and he just nodded.
"Sure. I have to get ready, tho." He got up and into the bathroom.

I received a message.

xxxxxxx: Hey here's Amanda. Izzy gave me your number. I hope you don't mind. I will send you the location.
xxxxxx: 📌
Liz: Hey Amanda. No i don't mind. We'll pick you up then. We'll be there in 20.

I locked my phone and tossed it on the bed.
I got up and packed the stuff for today together.
Merch, photos, pens and so on. John got ready too and we headed out to the location Amanda send me.
The drive was not long, it was the hotel 5km next to us. Orlando was busy today. Many cars and busses drove around. People on bikes could be seen everywhere.

I remembered I haven't even saved Amanda in my contacts. I quickly got out my phone and saved her.
A picture of her popped up. I had to admit she was one of the most beautiful girls I ever saw. And here eyes were like, I couldn't even find words for them.
Maybe I can find more pictures on her instagram?
What was her name again AKrCos? Yes that's it.
I typed in the name and there she was. She had...oh. She defiantly was popular. She had 185K on Instagram. Now I get why the audience was so wild yesterday.
I looked at a few photos of her and damn. Iwans to be this good, too.

„Liz! Listen to me we're here." John interrupted my small stalking session and I looked out of the window. We were parking in front of a huge building. Black stained glass and little blue ornament decorated it. The entrance was pretty too. Much prettier than ours was. And then, there was Amanda. Standing there like a model. Her black hair/wig was swirling in the wind and her deep-blue eyes shining bright. She was an angel.
I should'nt be having thoughts like this. Amanda is a girl! And she's Izzy's girlfriend. There's no way.
I slapped myself and both John and Amanda, who was currently walking towards us, looked at me confused.

„Liz? Is everything okay?" Amanda's soft voice rang on my ears. She smelled like peaches and mangos, it trapped me. She smelled so good. What shampoo does she use? What the hell is wrong with me. I never had thoughts like that before on any human out there.
I quickly got out of my trance and looked at her.
„Yes e-everything is fine." I stuttered. Why did I fucking stutter?! I never stuttered before...

„Then can we go now?" John asked smiling like he knew something. We both nodded and Amanda got into the car behind me. I just then realized she had a Loki cosplay on. It looked really awesome.
„Hey Amanda we Match today, Look."I said smiling.
She looked at me and then onto herself.
„Yeah you're right. I didn't even notice. That's cool. Izzy said she wanted to go as-„ I interrupted her. „Can we please not talk about her now?", I asked politely and looked away and down on my hands.
„Oh yeah, sure i'm sorry.", she said and the conversation was going in a much better direction. We talked about our cosplays and all the cons we went to and so much more. It was refreshing to talk to her and not only Izzy, John or Taylor.
We drove to the con and parked.

What will happen next? Find it out ->

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