Champter 4 - Imminent Danger

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More than You Bargained For Ch. 4

Disclaimers: The usual. Refer to the disclaimer in chapter 1. I don't own these things, this is fanfiction.

Author's (long, apologetic) note: I understand that it's been a while since I attempted to write for this fic and for that I apologize-again!-to anyone who was actually waiting. Here I insert the dramatic, apologetic sweatdrop emoticon if I could. But truth be told, I did say at the very beginning when I started with "Don't Panic, No, Not Yet" that I was really going to have to see where things were going to take me because I honestly stopped writing fanfiction for years, though I continued to read fanfics of ships I liked. It was mostly because of time; I had a lot more time back then compared to now and I couldn't finish things properly now. I did feel nostalgic trying my hand at it again and would find myself wishing I'd have continued the habit in the long gap of years between my writing then (2008!) to now.

The thing is, Ms. Marvel x Nova was just the kind of small ship that got me back into the 'What if' feeling of writing fanfiction, that I couldn't resist. I wouldn't have tried, worrying I might not get to update as faithfully as I would have as I did when I was thirteen, but this was one of those ships that didn't really have other fanfics at all so I figured, eh, what the heck? It was good to get back to fanfiction and I appreciate the people who have been commenting even in my absence. I didn't particularly like the fact that I left a lot of fics unfinished back in 2008, but there's nothing I could do about those. Those stories are gone but this one isn't.

I know I want to continue this and that I, as part of possibly a few but hopefully growing (?) fandom of Ms. Marvel x Nova shippers, want to contribute to the ship somehow. Seems very dramatic of me XD, I know, but worrying about this fic has been at the back of my mind for a while. Please bare with me, I'm trying my best :'D. But let's cut the drama and get on with it then, shall we?


It was still early in the morning and yet Kamala found herself already up and enthusiastic in a bus on its way to a comicon. There was a comforting and exciting emotion about in the air that she could hardly keep still, even when she'd just met the people with her for the first time. Well, technically she had met them before, online in the Captain Marvel fans community, still there was that rush.

The girl who had seated herself beside Kamala had just gushed about a really good Captain Marvel photographer/fan's Pictagram account to her when her phone buzzed from her pocket. Sam's promised phone call.

"Just wanted to help you start your day on a good note--by letting you hear my voice! Hey there!" he said and then sang a hearty "You're welcome!"

"I hope you know that corniness has little effect on me apart from a face palm. I hope you were expecting I'd do one," she responded, not making the face palm. "And it's already good anyway. Are you currently flying?"

She could hear the wind attempting to make his voice inaudible. Nova shouted at his cellphone and strained to hear her responses. She resisted the urge to shout too.

"Yeah I, whoa...flock of birds. Sorry!" The birds squawked at him in protest. "You on your way?"

"In the bus and ready for take-off."

"Have fun then, Captain Cutie." She can't be sure how but she could hear the self-satisfied grin in the way he said it and the sad attempt at a wink. "I gotta go. Nova promised some folks down at the park he'd help them fix a jungle gym he-er, someone else must've accidentally blasted during target practice."

"You're so obviously giving me openings to make fun of you, aren't you?"

"If it means somewhere out there you're smiling," he said, "I try. Space Boyfriend, over and out."

Ms. Marvel & Nova in "More Than You Bargained For"Where stories live. Discover now