Chapter 5: Mommy and the Perfect Boy

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Weeks Later...


At the Ice Factory

"The King has arrived." An icy alien said. A spaceship landed on top of the factory, as the cabin door opened, an ice alien walked out, wearing a crown, along with a teenage girl, she had white hair, known as Charmcaster.

"Tell me, witch! After all these years, how do I get Ella back on my side?" the alien with the crown asked. "I'll tell you later, but in order for the plan to work, you will have to do one thing." Charmcaster calmly replied.

"One thing?" the crowned alien asked again. "That is to break Ella down, well not literally, just... make her life hopeless." the witch smirked.

"Her mother is her only family member, perfect... Now, I will need a distraction," The king smirked, "And I got the perfect plan... And then everything will be complete!" Followed by (evil) laugher.

Back at Ella's house

Ella's perspective 

Ring!!!! "Why so loud, stupid alarm clock." I thought. It was 8 in the morning, I opened my eyes and try to reach my alarm clock. "Wait... It's not the alarm clock ringing, it's the doorbell!"

I went downstairs with my sleepy legs, wearing my sleepy clothes and opened the door.

"Hey, Ella! Good morning! I got nothing to do today, so I'd thought maybe I'll spend the day with you!" It was Ben! I was surprised. "Emm sounds great! Let me get ready first, you wait here!" That's what I said, then I turned around, Mom was staring at me. "That's not how you treat guests... Hello Ben, come in and seat while you wait for Ella!" I grinned and then ran off back to my room.

At that moment, I was so excited! It was the first time Ben ever ask me out, it's always the other way around. I quickly changed into my favourite outfit (the one on the book cover :P), brushed my teeth and head back downstairs.

"I'm ready!" I yelled, "Not until you finish your breakfast." My mum replied. Normally I would give her the "Not again..." look, but as I turned my head to the dining table, Ben was sitting there eating breakfast as well, I guess mom cooked extra for Ben. "Okay!" I replied happily and sat opposite of Ben and ate my breakfast. 

After breakfast, Ben and I left for the shopping centre. "I didn't know you like to go to a shopping centre," I asked Ben. "Well, I don't, but it's where you wanna go," Ben replied (sweetly). I can feel my face getting red but I controlled myself and calmed down, "Wow! You are really nice, Ben." I replied.

We went from shop to shop the whole morning and a little bit of afternoon, from clothes shops to shoe shops, as well as handbag shops, walking through every shop I wanted to see, Ben followed me wherever I go, not a single word of complaint. 

"Ben! You are such a nice boy, I wonder if there is another one better then you out there! Anyway, since you've been going to where I wanted to go the whole entire morning, how about we go to where you want to go?" I offered.

"It's okay, Ella. After all, I'm the one who gone nothing to do today and had to follow you around the whole day." Ben replied.

"Emm, okay. Then let's head back, I had enough shopping for one day!" I suggested.

"Waittt!!! Let's go to my place instead! I got a bigger TV screen!" Ben replied.

So we ended up going to Ben's house instead. When we got there, Ben's parents weren't home, so we sat on the sofa and turned on the (bigger than mine) TV.

"What do you want to watch Ella? This TV got every show and movie out there! You can choose." Ben asked.

Ben was weirdly nice today, now even let me choose what to watch, normally he would just rewatch lots of Sumo Slammers, but I'm not going to complain about such a perfect Ben! He's perfect today! Almost too good to be true.

However, I wasn't too interested in watching TV, so instead, I suggested to check out Ben's room.

"Emm... that isn't such a good idea... errrr, my room is a mess!" Ben was struggling to get his words out. "Are you hiding anything from me?" I joked. "No, no, noooooo, of course not! Why would I hide anything from you?"

"Then I'll go upstairs!" I yelled as I ran up the stairs, Ben wasn't following me. I slowly opened the door, I was shocked when I saw... I saw Ben was being tied up on a chair. I quickly untied him. "What happened?" I was worried sick. "The Ice Aliens are behind this, they tried to keep you occupied so that they can... Nevermind talk later, now, we need to go to your house asap!" Ben replied as he looked through the window, the imposter Ben turned into an ice alien and ran away...

(So basically an ice alien disgusted as Ben the whole day)

At Ella's house

Ben's perspective

Ella and I rushed back to her house, Ella opened the front door... But it seemed we were too late... Inside the house was a mess, broken furniture and items were all over the place... "Mom!!!!" Ella yelled, but there was no reply. I transformed into FourArms and removed the furniture. After removing the huge broken Piano, I found Ella's mother's body underneath.

I flew back to where Ella was and turned back to myself, "We might be a little too late..."

"Too late for what?" Ella asked softly.

"To... save... your mother." I stuttered, and lead Ella to where her mother was.

As soon as Ella's eyes contact her mother's body, she broke down to her knee. Tears fell off her beautiful eyes. I stood quietly beside her, the look on her face... was probably the saddest thing I've ever seen and would saw.

I thought of comforting her, but I decided to stay silent, letting her cry, (because I'm not good at comforting people, I'll end up saying something wrong). To be honest, I didn't really know what to say anyway. Through all my years of being Ben 10, I've seen death and losses, but never the ones closest to me. It definitely hurt so very much.

After a while, the authority came, the people moved Ella's mother to an ambulance and, along with me and Ella, was sent to the hospital. 

At the hospital, Ella and I were sitting outside the ward. Ella was still in deep sadness, she cried on my lap. I let her do that, I remained silent, it's the least I could do...

About 30 minutes later, a doctor came out from where Ella's mother was...

"Excuse me, sir and miss." the doctor said, "I would like to tell our patient's daughter that..."

I stood up after gently taking Ella's crying face off my lap, "Excuse me, doctor, she isn't ready for it, I'm her friend, let's talk over there."

To be continued... 

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