Da'moni- Brothers are RJ and CJ, bestfriend is kayla, and london, and bethlany are her cousins, soon to be boyfriend DJ or hush, and L'A cousin.
RJ- one of da'monis big brothers, kingpin cousin bethlany and london and L'A, work with zay, jordan, l'a, and dj.
CJ- one of da'monis big brothers, kingpin cousin bethlany and london and L'A, work with zay, jordan, l'a, and dj.
Bethlany- cousin is da'moni, soon to be girlfriend of zay, bestfriend kayla , and sister is london, brother L'a.
London- cousin is da'moni, soon to be girlfriend of jordan, bestfriend kayla , and sister is bethlany, brother L'a.
Kayla- bestfriends bethlany, da'moni, and london, soon to be girlfriend of L'a.
ZAY- soon to be girlfriend is bethlany, bestfriends with l'a, jordan, and DJ, partners with Cj and RJ.
LA- kayla's soon to be mans, bestfriends are dj, jordan, and zay, cousin da'moni, sisters london and bethlany, king pins bestfriend.
Jordan- Bestfriends with zay, dj, and l'a, londons man and kingpins bestfriends, partners with rj and cj.
DJ OR Hush- Da'moni's soon to be man, bestfriends with jordan, l'a, and zay, kingpin, partners with cj and rj.
Chi- da'monis boy bestfriend