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seulgi can hear crying. it's not life threatening, no one is hurt or in danger... it's just the 'im cranky and it's dark, so i demand attention' crying. she stretches her arms, groaning as she slowly opens her eyes. getting out of bed and slipping on her husband's bedroom shoes, she quickly shuffles her way to her daughter's room. sunhee is only four, has her mother's features and her father's eyes, thick black hair that has a mind of its own, and is kind of a brat. seulgi enters the room, turning on the light and making her way to the side of the toddler's bed. she reaches out to hug sunhee, frowning because she's warm. it's worrying actually, and it has seulgi carrying sunhee out of the room, making sure to turn of the light as she exits since her son is still sleeping. sun hee clings to her mother, sniffling from her impromptu crying fit.

seulgi carries her to the restroom, sitting her on the counter and searching for a thermometer to take the child's temperature. "what's going on?" jaebum suddenly asks, yawning as he stands in the doorway.

"sun feels a bit warm." seulgi explains as her husband walks over.

"yeah? our sunhee isn't feeling well?" he coos, coddling their daughter like he always does, "i think she might be hungry."

"she's only four... junseo didn't have his first meal until he was six."

"well, they say girls mature faster than boys."

"i'm not ready for my toddler to drink blood."

"it's part of the life though, this is what we've signed them up for." jaebum reminds seulgi as he presses kisses against sunhee's head until she's giggling. "do you want to have a snack with daddy?" he wonders, watching sun nod her head and open her arms. "yay!" he picks her up off the counter, and carries her to the kitchen, seulgi trailing behind them.

she watches jaebum rest sunhee's weight on his hip as he opens the fridge and pulls out a bottle of blood from their local blood bank. she feels slightly grossed out as she watches him divide the crimson liquid into two cups, a metallic smell filling the air. he hands a kid friendly cup over to sunhee, who looks carefully into it before taking a cautious sip. "what do you think?" jaebum wonders, taking a huge gulp from his own cup. the child doesn't say anything, just continues drinking until the cup is empty. "see? just a little bloodlust. she's fine." jaebum points out, a doting smile creeping onto his face. "why not go back to bed? i'll tuck her in." seulgi sighs, a pout on her face but she walks over and kisses her daughter's cheek in acceptance. she's already cooler to the touch, her body temperature regulating again, and seulgi's quick to turn away, her mind reeling.

she has mixed feelings, but mainly because she's not ready for her youngest baby to grow up so fast. she remembers being pregnant with junseo, the excitement for her first born, mixed with an enjoyment for being pregnant. junseo was an easy pregnancy, and an easy birth, and she didn't have to worry about all the vampire things until this year when he turned six. sunhee wasn't so easy. seulgi had morning sickness for the entire first trimester, was on bed rest a month before her daughter's birth, was stuck in traffic for three hours on her way to the hospital to deliver sunhee, and then had postpartum... sunhee is special. seulgi doesn't have a favorite kid, she loves them both immensely and equally, but one is her independent little man, and the other is her super dependent baby girl.

she doesn't realize she's sulking until jaebum is back in bed with her, arms wrapped around her and placing kisses on her shoulder. "you okay?"

"i don't know."

"seul, it happens. she also has two fellow vampires drinking blood on the regular, it's natural for bloodlust to hit early for her."

"but she's still learning to express herself, how am i supposed to know when she's thirsty or just not feeling well? i'm not a vampire, i don't understand bloodlust. will it be uncomfortable, and will that translate as pain for her because she doesn't know better?"

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