Chapter #12: "Something I Wish That I Had Never Witnessed".

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*Sometime after Blue and Pink prepared themselves and headed on their way*

"The two Agents were walking around Inkopolis city square, catching the look of shock and slight suspicion of the Inklings in the crowd as they proceeded to walk straight through, making it split in two so they had a clear path to the ally way containing the abandoned stairway that led to the abandoned Deepsea Metro Central Station. It had been abandoned for reasons only Pink knew, but she didn't want to "spoil" the surprise of what everything looked like when she herself went through the entire thing after having been diagnosed with amnesia from being knocked out - mid fight alongside Captain Cuddle Fish and Agent 3 a few yrs ago - though Pink was confused about the fact that Agent 3 didn't remember her, but Pink returned to Octo Valley after she, Pearl, Marina, Captain Cuddle Fish, and 3 got back from that crazy adventure - it was probably since she had knocked 3 out after she was sanitized, it must've somewhat affected her memory after Pink left Inkopolis and returned home where she thought she belonged. But now wasn't the time for all of this - they had to find Green and get him back before it was too late and he was forced to turn on Blue and Pink, as well as everyone else. After a short walk, the two began to slowly but surely made their way down the old abandoned staircase, watching out for fallen debris, as well as holes in the stairs as they both got further and further down the station stairs, the sound of the metal heels on Blue's black leather boots, and Pink's black leather high heel boots echoing off the walls every time they stepped on the light grey coloured tile flooring of the stairs".

"So where exactly does this lead to?" Blue asks, looking over at Pink as they finally made it to the bottom of the stairs".

"I give you - "The Deepsea Metro Central Station" the only subway with train lines that lead to multiple different secret underground testing chambers - each of which are a new station as you go through all of them" she smiles, doing her best presenter impression possible, gesturing to the main platform that sat in the dead center of the huge open space that stood before them".

"Wow! You sure know a lot more about this place then I thought" Blue says, slightly impressed at how much Pink new about all of this".

"Yeah, I know a lot considering this is the mess that introduced me to Inkopolis for the first time ever in my, life," She says, rubbing her arm shyly, slightly blushing as she turns back around to look back at Blue".

"Interesting, I thought you knew of Inkopolis even before all of this" Blue says in slight confusion of what Pink meant by that".

"I did know of it, and ever since I was a little girl - part of me wanted to come here to see what it looked like for myself. I was a pretty adventurous kid growing up" She says, smiling brightly as though she was proud to have been that way back when she was a little girl".

"Well, that's one explanation of why your personality is different from the rest of your kind" Blue chuckles, walking over and standing next to Pink, all while observing his surroundings of their location a bit more from when the two of them first got down there".

"I hate to ask, but what stopped you from doing so?" Blue asks curiously, still looking around".

"My parents never really let me leave our territory until my 14th - 15th birthday which by now was 1 - 2 yrs ago..." Pink paused mid-sentence as she felt a sudden tug at her heartstrings".

"Pink?..., you okay babe," Blue asks, a sudden look of concern appearing on his face as he puts a hand on her shoulder to assure her that he was here for her".

"Yeah.., I-I just thought of how I lost my parents..., they didn't die of old age..., they died because of a group of Inklings attacked our home in Octo Valley - I was only 14 when it happened. I was told to take my brother Green and never look back..., to run as fast as possible, and they said they would be right behind us..., but...they weren't..., and I never got to tell them I loved them one more time before I witnessed something I wish I never had to witness..., and that site was both of them exploding into nothing but puddles of their Ink colours..., it can never be erased from my memory" she says as tears stream down her face as everything that happened that day replays as flashbacks in her mind - making the feelings of pain start growing in Pink's delicate and fragile heart that could shatter like a glass object or a window when it is broken".

"I'm sorry I asked..., I didn't want you to have a mental breakdown..., but now that I know a bit more about your past and - well..., this, I want you to remember something," Blue says, lifting her head gently and looking her in the eyes".

"Remember what?..." she sniffs, the corners of her eyes stinging with tears, and her cheeks wet from crying".

"I may not be your parents..., but I swear on my life that I will do everything I can possibly do to protect you.., and I won't take no for an answer..., because your parents would want someone like me to be by your side when they can't..." Blue says in a slightly stern - yet soft and calm tone of voice as he proceeds to pull her into a tender hug of sincerity and affection".

"But I -".

"I. will not. take no for an answer..., your precious to the others..., and especially to me..." he says in a slightly more stern tone of voice as he lets her go, but still holds her gently - yet firmly by either of her wrists well looking her straight in the eyes once more to confirm that he's being absolutely serious about what he just said".

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