Chapter one

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"Remember: don't get too comfortable. You won't be here very long. If you damage any school property or injure any students -even unintentionally- whilst using your power, unless authorised to do so by me or one of my colleagues, we're taking you straight back. Even you should be able to handle that, right?"

What a douche.

He sounds patronising even now, as we're walking through the crowded corridor, watery sunlight filtering through the blinds and illuminating the hall with a weak beam of sunshine.

"Where's your classroom?"

"With all due respect, sir, I don't fucking know."

"I wouldn't use that tone Miss (L/N), or you'll be back in that lab before you've even met your new classmates."

He comes to a halt as we approach the door to what I can only assume is my classroom. I slide the door open and step inside, saluting him with two fingers as a final fuck you.

"Whatever you say, Dr Dickhead."

Closing the door behind me I step into the classroom, taking in all of my classmates.

"You're late." I look up to see a rather scruffy looking man "Go take a seat next to Mineta."

Who the fuck is that?

The confusion must've shown on my face because the entire class turned and pointed at an abnormally small boy with enormous balls atop his head; his face contorts into a sickening smirk as he looked at me, making me feel nauseous.

What the fuck is that?

I reluctantly shifted towards my desk, by now the class had averted their attention back to the teacher except for a certain someone.

"Psst, new girl... You're really pretty."

I rolled my eyes in response as I tried to get my books out of my bag. "Please, leave me alone."

"Aww, why are you being like this."

"I said stop."

"Hey, come on I—" His hand reaches out to touch my shoulder when the tall boy in the back smacks the back of the midget's head.

"She said stop," he repeats, staring apologetically at me. Mineta finally turned to the front sulking in his chair. I give the boy a nod of appreciation before turning back to the front.

It's going to be a long year.



The deformed midget next to you snickered at the miniscule innuendo your blonde teacher unknowingly said; causing you to roll your eyes so hard you were certain if you went any further you would impair your eyesight. You had only been sitting next to him for what felt like a fucking eternity and you were so done with his bullshit. Thank God it was the end of school. You quickly put your books in your bag in a hurried attempt to escape the disease next to you, when you felt two arms wrap around you. Confused, you shrugged it off patting the persons back in reply, they pulled away and two green eyes greeted yours.

"(Y/N)-chan, I-I didn't know you were attending here, I really missed you." He said with a genuine smile adorning his face.

"Um, who are you again?" His face turned to one of absolute horror which was so comedic to you, you were struggling to contain your laughter. He backed away and proceeded to bow repeatedly.

"I-I'm so so sorry, I thought you would've remembered me, I know it's been a few years but— I'm sorry for hugging you so suddenly I—" You cut him off by placing your hand in his hair ruffling slightly; causing him to look up.

"Kidding. Kidding, I remember you Zuku," you repeated the nickname that 8-year-old you had decided upon. You watched as the boy's face grew redder by the second, covering his face with his arms from embarrassment.

"U-Uh, (Y/N) I—"

"I'm sorry I really have to go," you say, packing the last of your books into your bag for you knew Dr Dickhead would probably start bitching for making him wait. You rose from your chair and made your way to the door when you heard him call out: "I-It's really nice to have you back." Turning around you smiled once more and responded, "It's nice to be back," and with that, you left, closing the door behind you.

You could hear the muffled voices of your classmates bombarding Izuku with questions which all revolved around what his relationship with you was; this didn't bother you. The corridor was empty: you had left early to meet up with Dr Peterson, who was going to brief you on the strict rules and regulations that you were to follow if you wished to remain here. The silence was more comforting and welcome than the sarcastic, "Finally. Come with me."

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