Chapter 4

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Rain fell in a rhythmic pattern on the streets of Little Whinging. Wind lashed at the trees and the sky was dark and dreary. There was a boy curled up inside a tube slide at a playground nobody played at anymore. There was laboured breathing emanating from the slide and the boy’s body shook. He let out a wail and sobbed and pleaded for someone to help him.

    But no one was there to hear it.

    The boy lifted his head and wiped his eyes. Platinum blond hair was left in disarray and grey eyes the same colour as the clouds overhead were red from crying.

    “Harry! Help me! Please? I’m cold and wet and- please, Harry!” He wept into his knees again, “Please be ok, Harry.” He whispered, more to himself than anyone in particular.

    Draco had fled the Dursley household at 6:53 am. It was now well past 5:00 pm. All he really cared about, though, was if Harry was alright.

‘If Harry died because of me, I’ll never forgive myself.’

Draco was so wrapped up in his own emotions that he didn’t even notice the sudden drop in temperature around him.

Or the dark, ominous presence that suddenly loomed over the entire area.

~Perspective Change~

“Vernon, now I have to do all the hard work!” Petunia complained to her husband. She had been complaining to Vernon almost all day about that, nothing else.

“But now we don’t have to worry about the freak getting in our way,” Vernon reasoned. He was glad the freak was dead. “or hurt Dudley.”

“I know, but I’m still upset that you killed the freak without asking me first.” Petunia sighed, “Love you, Vernon.”

“I love you, too, Pet.” Petunia leaned in for a kiss before walking into the kitchen to make dinner.

“{Such stupidity, thinking a soul can pass through the Veil into the Afterlife without my consent.}” A dark figure, invisible to most, stood from his place on the sofa. “{It’s been years since I last meddled, but… oh, this is the perfect opportunity!}” A bright green sphere appeared in the man’s hand. “{It’s not quite your time to go yet. It may never be, for I am gifting you the power of immortality until you wish for me to take it back so that you may pass into the Afterlife.}” He said. The sphere glowed brighter for a moment before darkening to the shade it was earlier.

The figure nodded in approval before releasing the glowing sphere. It traveled up the stairs and through Harry’s bedroom door. Once inside, it moved to the wizard’s body and slowly lowered itself into the corpse’s chest.

A heartbeat roared to life. Lungs already starting to pull in air.

Harry Potter was alive once more.

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