~Chapter 10~

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Amanda's POV:

After having that conversation with Veronica, we heard the front door open.

"Hey guys, I'm home." I heard a very familiar voice say, I whipped my head in the direction of the voice.

"Amanda!" I heard him say as he entered the kitchen. 

"Mr Matthews!" I exclaimed and ran to give him a hug. Mr Matthews and I have always had a close relationship, I loved him like a father and he loved me like the daughter he never had.

"Wow, nice to know you love my best friend more than me, Dad." We heard Christian say which just made me giggle at his silliness.

"Oh hush son, I haven't seen this kid in a while." He said as he pulled away from our hug and went to kiss Veronica on the cheek and gave Christian a pat on his back. He turned his gaze on the twins and gave me a look.

"Are these the twins?" He asked with a shocked expression on his face.

"Yes, it's them." I said with a smile on my face.

"Hey little ones, I'm Christian's Dad." He introduced himself to them.

"Hi I'm Ashley!" Ashley beamed

"And I'm Ashton!"

"You guys have grown so much since that last time I saw you." Mr Matthews said while the twins gave me a confusing look.

"Oh yeah right, Mr Matthews and Mrs Matthews were great friends of Mommy and Daddy and therefore they've known you since you were little babies, just like me." I explained and their mouths formed an 'O'.

"You guys are such cuties." Veronica said

"Oh and Amanda, please don't call me Mr Matthews is makes me feel old, call me by my name." He said

"You are old Dad." Christian snickered which made Tyler, Mr Matthews, glare at him.

"Shut up son"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

As soon as dinner was over, the twins, Christian, and I went back to Christian's room.

"So it's still pretty early, do you guys wanna finish the movie?" Christian asked the twins who eagerly nodded their heads.

"You okay with that Mandy?" He asked

"Yeah, perfect."

*A few hours later*

Christian's POV:

We finished the movie and the twins and Amanda fell asleep. Ashton and Ashley were curled up on her side and they honestly looked so cute. I looked at the time and saw that it was already 9. I decided not to wake them up and let them sleep, I put a blanket on them and left them. I walked out and wen down to the kitchen to see Mom washing the dishes.

"Hey Mom, you need help?" I asked, she turned around to look at me and gave me smile.

"Hey Hun, what are you doing here? Where's Amanda and the twins? Are they leaving already?" She asked

"They fell asleep, is it cool if they crash here for the night?"

"Of course it's alright." She said with a smile.

"I really missed that girl so much." She said with a sad smile and stopped what she was doing.

"I know you do Mom."

"Christian, you do know that I know that I know that you and Amanda's friendship was broken over the years? I'm not that stupid sweetie." She said with a smug look, what? She knew all this time? How did she even know?

"What?" I asked

"Cmon Hun, I know that you and Amanda would always go here to hangout. I kind of suspected it and I always saw the sad look in your eyes, you didn't wanna let me see that you were sad but I'm your mother, I know when you're sad." She explained

"What happened sweetie? What made you and Amanda's friendship break?" I sighed and looked her in the eyes.

"It was a misunderstanding Mom."

"And what was the misunderstanding?"

"A girl told me that Amanda was just using me to be popular."

"And that was why you broke your friendship with her? You threw away years of friendship because of what a girl said? Did you even have proof that that was true?"

"That's not the entire reason Mom." I sighed

"Then what is it?"

"I loved her Mom, I still do." I looked at her expression and it was mixed with shock, disbelief, and excitement.

"You love Amanda?!" She squealed, gosh my Mom is such a teenager sometimes.

"Yes Mom, I did and still do, always have." I smiled

"Oh my gosh! Your father and I knew that you guys were meant to be! You guys are made for each other, even back when you were little kids we could feel the chemistry between you guys, it's honestly so cute, I can't wait to tell your father and-"

"Mom keep your voice down, Amanda might hear you!" I hissed

"Gosh Mom, you're such a teenager sometimes." I said which she just laughed at.

"I'm sorry sweetie, it's just that I'm so excited for you!" I sighed and shook my head.

"What's wrong?" She asked

"It's just that, I really need to make it up to her. I need her to trust me, I hurt her a lot, she doesn't deserve what I did to her. I want to get to know her more and more because I believe that there are things that she went through that she isn't telling me. I want to make it up to her before I pursue her." I said

"That's good sweetie, don't let her go. I know the she loves you just as much it's just she hasn't realized it yet."

"Thanks Mom"

"Now go get some sleep sweetie" She said and kissed my cheek and gave me a tight squeeze.

"I love you Mom, thanks for everything." I said and wrapped my arms around her petite figure.

After that conversation with Mom, I went back up to my room and saw that they were still sleeping. Seeing them like this makes me really happy. Amanda truly is an amazing person. She has everything I want in a girlfriend. She's beautiful, kind hearted, responsible, caring, and not to mention that she has a banging body. She has everything, but I feel like there's something that's she's hiding from me.

I walked towards my bed and took my shirt and pants off leaving me in my boxers and got in bed with them. I slipped in between Ashton and Amanda seeing as there was a big gap between them. I felt Amanda snuggled in my chest which made me smile. I wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her forehead.

"I promise Amanda, I'll do anything to make it up to you. I will be the best version of myself for you. I love you so much." I whispered the last part and closed my eyes.

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