Chapter 38

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Amanda's POV:

"Daddy" I whispered out, he walked towards us and gave us a smile. I stood up and he cupped my face.

"My baby girl" He breathed out his eyes filling with tears.

"H-how are y-you alive?" I stuttered, he sighed and pulled his hand away from my face.

"Why don't we sit down and I'll explain everything." He said and wiped the tears that fell from his eyes.

"Oh yeah, this is my boyfriend Christian, do you remember him? He's my childhood best friend." I said, he looked at me in confusion but shook it off and gave Christian a smile.

"Hello, I am Carter Jones." Dad introduced and stuck his hand out for him to shake.

"Christian Matthews, pleasure to see you again." Christian returned the smile and shook his hand.

"So mind telling me how you're still alive? And is mom alive too?" I asked, he sighed and took my hands in his.

"Oh and why is your name Carter? Isn't your name Calvin?" I asked, this was all confusing to me. The man standing in front of me looks exactly like my father and I can feel that he's my father but I don't know if it's really him, I mean yeah we have the same surname but that doesn't mean anything. Jones is a common surname, so it's possible that he's not my Dad, but I want to know why the hell does he exactly like my Dad.

"My name is Carter Jones, and Calvin Jones is my twin brother." He said, my jaw dropped, literally dropped. I felt Christian squeeze my shoulder and he gave me a smile.

"He's your what? So you're my uncle?" I asked him, I never knew my Dad had a twin brother, heck I didn't even know he had a brother, Dad said he was an only child.

"No sweetie, I'm your real father."


"I'm so sorry, we told Calvin and Lorraine to tell you when you're old enough, but we just recently found out that they died." He explained

"H-how did this happen? Why was I with them and not you guys?" I asked, he sighed and tightened his grip on my hands while the tears stream down my face.

"When you and your sister were born, we-" I cut him off

"Sister? I have a sister." I asked him, he smiled and nodded his head.

"Yes, in fact you have a twin sister." He said, a twin? I have a twin?! Fuck, I have a twin! This is all too much to take in at the moment.

"I have a twin sister?" I asked him

"Yeah, you do." He said, I turned to Christian and saw that he looked stunned as well. I pulled one of my hands away from Dad and intertwined mine with his. He snapped out of his gaze and looked at me.

"I'm sorry, I'm just shock that's all." He smiled apologetically

"It's fine babe." I said and kissed his cheek, I turned back to my Dad and he had a smile on his face.

"What?" I asked

"You guys are adorable, I'm glad my daughter is happy with someone like you, Christian." He said and looked at Christian.

"Thank you for taking care of my daughter." He added

"It's my pleasure sir, I would protect her with my life." He said as he smiled down at me.

"Okay Daddy, I really wanna hear the reason behind all this." I said

"Right, okay so when you and your sister were born, well we were having some financial problems and so your mother and I decided to give you to Calvin and Lorraine, we didn't really have a choice, it was the best for you and your sister." He explained

"But many people say I look like my mom, err I mean Lorraine." It was weird calling my 'Mom' by her name, I usually call her Mom but now that I know that she's not really my Aunt, it's just weird, everything's weird.

"That's because Lorraine and your mother are also twins." He said, wait what?

"Wait, so let me get this straight, you and Calvin are twins, and Lorraine and Mom are twins?" I asked

"Yes that would be correct." He said

"Wow, twins really do run in our blood." I said, I have a twin, the people who I thought were my parents have twins, and Ashley and Ashton are twins.

"What do you mean?" He asked

"Well there's another set of twins in our family." I said, he looked at me questioningly.

"And who might they be?" He asked

"Ashley and Ashton, they're Lorraine and Calvin's kids." I

(A/N: okay look...I'm aware that there are many twins in the story and lots of you are hating on the idea, but it's my book, so if you don't like it no one's asking you to read it. Thank you.)

"Well I guess twins really do run in our blood." He chuckled

"So where's Mom and my sister?" I asked him

"They're back home, do you want to see them?" He asked, do I want to see them? What the hell am I thinking? Of course I want to see them!

"Yeah, I would love to." I said with a smile, then I remembered the twins.

"Babe, can you tell Nate or one of the guys to pick up the twins from Mrs Ferguson and then take care of them for a little while?" I asked him

"Sure thing babe" He said and whipped out his hand stepping away from us leaving me and my Dad.

"You've grown up so much, you look so much like Alyssa." Dad said, Alyssa? Is she my twin?


"Oh yeah, Alyssa is your twin sister, and you both look a lot like your mother, you have her eyes though. Alyssa has my eyes." He said, I nodded my head and thought about my twin. I wonder what she's like, I hope she likes me. Does she know about me? I wonder how she'll react to me. I've actually always wanted a twin sister, just because having a twin sister is just awesome.

"Okay Mandy, I told Kyle and Naomi to pick up the twins, they were alright with it." Christian said walking back to our table and sitting beside me.

"Excuse me, I'll just go to the rest room." Dad excused himself and walked away from us.

"So how are you taking everything?" Christian asked me and took my hand in his.

"I'm taking it surprisingly well, and I've always wanted a twin, Christian! You know how I always told you there was something missing, this was it. I have a twin sister." I said, he smiled down at me and pulled me close to him.

"I'm really happy for you Mandy, you deserve all the happiness in the world." He said and kissed the side of my head.

"Thank you for coming with me Chris." I said

"Anything for you babe." He said

"So are you guys ready to go?" I heard Dad ask as he walked towards us. I pulled away from Christian and sat up straight.

"Yeah, I'm ready." I said, Christian stood up and held his out for me which I gladly took. He left money at the table and we walked out together with Dad in front of us.

"So do you want to rife with me or do you want to just carpool?" He asked

"I think we'll just carpool." I said, he nodded his head.

"Alright, well I'll see you guys in a few." He said and walked over to his car.

"Let's go?" Christian asked, I nodded my head and we walked over to his car. He started the car and we were off.

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