Chapter Eight: Hello Destiny

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I wake up with a groan. Today I want to go to Dance Mania. I just need to. I climb out of bed, get dressed in clothes that are as close as I can get to my every day ones from home, before jogging downstairs.

"Can I go to Dance Mania?" Is the first question I ask, seeing Jasper.

"No." Jasper bluntly replies.

"Why? I need to! You can come with me if you want! I just need my gun and I'm good! Okay?" I beg.

Jasper seems to think it over. "Okay... But I'm coming. Same with Monica and Wesley."

I sigh. "Fine. Whatever. Now leggo!" I exclaim.

I remember the way to the pack prison and Jasper just trails behind me like a lost puppy.

"Why are you going to the pack prison?" Jasper asks as we walk down to the cells.

"So I can get my weapons. Duh?" I reply. I look around, not too sure where my weapons were put, but knowing they're down here somewhere.

"Good luck finding them," Jasper chuckles.

"I don't need luck," I mutter. I look around, searching for a hidden door or something. I put all my weapons on the table... And if they never took the out of the prison - or that's my assumption - then I'll bet they're somewhere close.

I walk up to one wall and knock. It sounds normal. I move along slowly, repeating the knocking, my ear pressed to the wall the whole time. Nothing on this wall. I move to the next wall and repeat.

Then I hear it. Shallower than what the sound should be. I smile in triumph. I look around the area and see a very noticeable chip in the paint. I push my fingers into the obvious chip and the secret door slides open soundlessly. Revealing many weapons, from of old and of new.

"Sensor hidden in the wall. Nice." I nod in approve meant stepping in the room.

Jasper look relatively surprised that I found it. I laugh and shake my head at his expression before looking over the weapons. I don't know which to choose, I find the ones that they took from me, but there's also older hunting weapons I haven't seen before.

I choose my soundless gun, knowing if I took more than one weapon, Jasper would get suspicious. I opt to bring a silver dagger, it is tempting... I grab it and shove it in one of my combat boots.

"Okay! Let's go now." I say, skipping back outside.

Jasper follows again, I walk to his house again and look at his car. It's a beauty! I whistle at it before turning to him.

"Is anyone else coming with us?" I ask.

"Monica and Wesley, like you suggested." Jasper informs.

I nod and in a little while I spot Monica and Wesley walking together, holding hands. Monica dressed in skinny jeans, like me, and a crop top with a tank top underneath, I instantly assume Wesley made her wear the tank top underneath. Boys are possessive creatures.

I shake my head and get into the car, in shotgun.

"So," Monica starts as we drive off. "Why are we going to Dance Mania again?"

"To kill rogues." I reply.

"... Okay." Monica drawls.

"I've gotten restless!" I whine. "Okay?"

"Okay! Okay! I got it." Monica says, hands up in a surrender.

I turn to the window and watch the world fly by as we drive into town. We pull into an empty parking spot and walk into the always busy, morning and night, Dance Mania.

I smile and walk straight to the dance floor, no longer caring about the wolves that had brought me here. I smelled... Rogue.

Yes, I could smell them. They smelled vile. It was disgusting. Almost as though you could smell their rejection from pack life. But by now, being a rogue hunter for so long, you get used to it.

I follow the scent, I find a rather good looking rogue drinking by the bar. I whistle and he turns his head to look at me. I stand with my hands on my hips and a smirk on my face. His eyes fill with recognition and fear.

Then his gaze goes past me for a second, and fills with more fear. I'm guessing Jasper's behind me. Possibly Monica and Wesley too.

"The Kissing Assassin." He swallows, looking back at me.

"Aw, you poor muffin, you're scared." I roll my eyes. "Dang, I was hoping you wouldn't know so I could have a good make out session and end with a good bang." I sigh, pulling out my gun.

Jasper growls and his eyes go wide. "Please, Assassin, I'm innocent! I was kicked out of my pack! I'm just living a normal life, fitting in as a human."

I laugh at him coldly. "All rogues are bad."

Then I remember Annie's words, so I slide my gun away again, happy nobody else saw it.

"But there's a little good in all bad," I mutter, not helping but remembering my favourite symbol, the Yin Yang symbol. "Get your ass away before I change my mind." I snap.

He runs, pushing past people and leaving the club. I sigh, that's the first time I've ever let my prey go, and it was hard.

"Annie would be proud." Monica informs me.

I shake my head and walk away, to find something else to do with my time. I can feel someone, probably Jasper, following me the whole time.

"What do you want Jasper?" I sigh, turning around, once I've made it to a more private area in the club.

But I'm surprised to see someone else, not Jasper.

"Hello Kissing Assassin, or should I say, Destiny?"

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