01 First Meetings

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The bus from the dorm was packed with people on their way to school or work The dorms were several bus stops away from the school normally she would take the shuttle bus but that morning she had missed the bus she had run towards the bus but the driver hadn't seen her and kept going she felt invincible each time it had happened but instead of moping around she walked towards the city bus stop and waited there she had decided on going to an all girls high school because she wanted to focus on het studies but she also felt awkward around other people she felt that going to a school with Just girls would take some of the pressure off but she still felt weird around other people

As the bus moved down the road Riley grabbed onto a hundle and pulled out her favorite book it was a mixture of a travel narrative and beautiful photographs The book was by one of her favorite Authors He made traveling the world seem like an adventure written in beautiful words it also encompassed her favorite hobbies writing and photography Both were things that she didn't need friends to accomplish because the stories she wrote were made of friends she created and not those treated her as though she were expendable when she took pictures she was able to capture the small things in life that made her own life beautiful

The bus jerked and Riley's glasses began to slip down her face

Hey check out four eyes

Someone said from behind

Riley hated taking the city bus because some of the students from the nearby all boys school took it as well and they would often make fun of Riley because of how she looked Or they would make loud comments that would just make her uncomfortable As the bus moved along their comments about her started to annoy her

Zay- Dude she goes to that all girls school right Why is her skirt so long

The same voice said

Zay stop making comments about someone you don't know

Someone said

Zay- I'm not the one eyeingbthe girl geez your taste in girls has gone down man She's definitely not your type

Riley tried her best not to get angry by the comments or turn around and throw her book at them Instead she turned up the volume on her headphones and continued reading her book she was listening to her before school playlist which was filled with a mixture of music mostly rock because she was preparing herself for the long eight hours at school listening to Everyone's trivial lives As the bus reached her stop it jerked her away from the handle and she landed in the strong arms of a boy When she looked up she saw his forest green eyes looking down at her His arms were wrapped around her body holding her in place 

Lucas- I Got you

He said to her But she jumped out of his arms dropping her book Intead of talking she pushed her way towards the back doors

Lucas- Hey you dropped your book

He said as He lifted it off the ground catching her skirt in the process and pulling it up revealing her cuddle bunnues underwear

She felt her cherks redden as she screamed and ran out of the bus

Riley- Why does this always happen to me

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