Chapter One- Rebooting

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22nd November 2040

Unknown Location California East


Rain fell softly as Williams pulled his car down a dark side street. His android, an RK900 model accompanied him, sitting stoically in the passenger seat, it's blue eyes scanning everything as they passed it. Williams was silent, they were at the pinnacle of their case, both had spent months trying to track down a man known as 'CyberJacker' and from recent leads, they'd found one of his hideouts.

In the months that they had been trying  to figure out how the CyberJacker operated, they had discovered that not only was he at the centre of a massive android trafficking ring, which was rife with deviancy, but he had also been illegally modifying androids to extents of turning a select few into lethal assassins.

"I don't think he'll be here, but we need to be cautious-" Williams said as he ruffled his short choppy black hair and stretched his neck.

"I will do a full perimeter scan upon arrival," the android spoke stiffly, cutting Williams off.

"Thank you Connor, but can you not interrupt me next time? This CyberJacker is an absolute nutcase and if he knows we're coming, like last time; he might send us another one of his lovely presents," Williams frowned when he said 'lovely,' evidence of sarcasm.

"Like that exploding android?"Connor questioned, looking to the side as if he were remembering the situation.

That wasn't something Connor would forget in a hurry. Him and Williams had broken into a storage shed two weeks earlier, to find it filled with crates of Cyberlife technology, spare parts and cases of Thirium which they were going to seize until another android, an AP700 had strolled out from between some of the crates, counting backwards as its eyes pulsed a red colour.

Connor had to grab Williams by the shoulder and literally hurl him out of the way as the android exploded with enough force to damage all of the crates and burn the entire right side of his body in the process. Thankfully Williams was relatively unhurt, but Connor had to return to Cyberlife for repairs.

"Exactly like that exploding android, perhaps even worse," Williams stated, snapping Connor out of his thoughts.

Connor shook his head and blinked, before returning his attention to his fragile human partner who had aged at least 7 years in the past 7 months. The stress of the case was taking it's toll on Williams, they hadn't found any decent leads, just empty buildings and tracks that went nowhere. Whoever the Cyberjacker was, he knew how to cover his activity.

"What makes you think that we will find something, worse?" Connor asked, furrowing his brows together thoughtfully.

"You ever just, get a feeling? That something isn't right?" Williams seemed troubled as he spoke those words, his dark eyes avoiding Connor.

"I am an android. I do not have feelings, I have precautions. Is that the same?" Connor questioned, taking a moment to look down at his hands, neatly placed on his lap and waiting for some technology to interface with.

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