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Dribbling light running down the quaked earth.

Desparity has brought the casters of words to emptiness.

The demons are laughing.

Laughing at our loss, laughing at our hopelessness, laughing at the empty papers left on our desks.

A blow of a horn shattered the glass pillars that spread out in the golden desert.

Break, sheathe, submit.

The cries of the stars echo then revoke, winded by their own tears.

No quality of mountains nor quanity of oceans can liberate the white swans trapped in the invisible cage.

Rage, Sorrow, Loneliness, a symphony of tragedy.

Vile and putrid dust collected in the void, our silver tongues have become rusted from the acid rain.

If the listeners have journeyed this far into the cave then let there be death's grip held upon them.

Let there be shadows that will forever haunt them till their inevitable grave.

Before The Ink Is Dry [by Hex] Where stories live. Discover now