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May 20th, 2019

First, what is MeWe? Where did it come from? MeWe is now a home of thousands Google Plus(G+) users. Some may have moved to mainstream media such as Instagram, Twitter or Snapchat. MeWe is a social network made in 2012 but recently, as stated before, became a home for thousands of G+ users. They are now G+ refugees. G+ refugees, and myself, all now enjoy this new replacement. Though it does some things that reminded us of the old site we all know and love. What are those things? It glitches out of nowhere of course. Something classic Google Plus would do.

Aside from these unheard of sites, what made me want to interview this user? Well, this is where I dive down and explain to you all.

If you're interested, please feel free to stay and read upon this user. If not, then feel free to go to my old account and read the old stories or just, uh, carry on with your regularly schedualed program.


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