Chapter 3

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Elizabeth's POV

It's been about a week since that night Blake asked me out and things have actually been pretty good. This whole school week after class is over for the day, I have homecoming committee because our carnival is in a couple of weeks and we have to finalize the finishing touches and order things last minute from Talley Amusements which is an amusement park rental here in Texas. Thankfully my parents were kind enough to be our schools sponsor if you will, so we were able to order what we needed for the carnival. With all the money I believe we will be making, we should have enough to pay for our homecoming decorations and stuff as well as pay them their money back.

Homecoming was in a month.

Have you ever seen a high school during the months leading up to homecoming? Total and utter chaos.

I was currently in my statistics class doing work in our pretty thick math book, when my phone vibrates on my desk.

From: Quinnie Bee

Meet me outside after class lets out!!

Hmm...that's weird. I shrug my shoulders and quickly text her back.

To: Quinnie Bee

Okay! But what's going on?

From: Quinnie Bee

It's a surprise! Just be there! No more questions, k? Have fun in stats

I roll my eyes at her odd behavior but don't question it further. That's her normal behavior so I wouldn't really expect anything less.

After my stats class ends I make my way through the crowded hallway to the classroom we meet in for homecoming committee. "Hey guys," I say as I set my stuff down on a spare desk before taking a seat. "This meeting is going to be pretty short because I have somewhere to be. I just wanted to give these out," Reaching into my bag I pull out lists that I made up for each person to do. "I made lists for all of us to complete or at least do some research on before the next meeting. With our theme being Red Carpet, I just put some ideas together, but if you have any other ideas, just go ahead and text me before completing the tasks..." I pause, trying to think if there was anything else I needed to go over. "Oh, and the carnival will be two weekends from now. All of the rides and entertainment have been ordered and will be set up on Friday morning that will last until Sunday night. There are people volunteering for booths, so you're able to as well -- I think the principle has the sign-up sheet. I'll see you guys tomorrow!" Everyone gets up, picking up a list, grabbing there stuff leaving the school.

Swinging my backpack onto my back, I take out my car keys and phone, seeing a text from Blake asking him to meet me by my car.

Curiosity consumed me as I walk through the now empty halls towards the car park...which for whatever reason still seemed to be quite full. Glancing around the car park I try to find Quinn but can't seem to find her. Instead, I see a cute little white and black striped box sitting in front of my car with balloons attached to it. Curious, I lift the lid only to reveal the most adorable little puppy with two different colored eyes staring up at me along with a little note tied to its collar.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2020 ⏰

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