chapter three: nicknames

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I turn around to see Reese following behind me. I shake my head. "My dorm is only a few blocks down. I'm okay, Reese. You can go back and chill with Dakota."

He stuffs his hands in his denim pockets. "I don't want to leave you out here alone and by yourself."

"Technically, you left Dakota by herself." I say it in a know-it-all tone.

He smiles. "I left her watching Mar chug beer from the kegs."

I snort. "Why am I not surprise?" I turn back around and kept walking forward. "C'mon, standing here all night won't get me home faster."

He catches up to my pace and walks beside me. "So where are you from?"

"I'm from here. I live three hours from here but my best friend and I always come to LA to have fun." I smirk at the silly memories of Hayden and I getting drunk in LA. I have to call him when I get home. "Where are you from?"

"Same as Dakota, Baltimore." He sheepishly smiles.

"Oh yeah, of course." I smile small. Why would I ask a question I knew the answer to? "I'm an idiot."

"No, you're good." He chuckles showing a little bit of his perfect white teeth. I swear they almost could sparkle.

We started to get to know each other more and talked about how we chose UCLA and what we wanted to do when we as we walked for a while.

"You want to be a doctor?! That's so good." I said with a smile. He would be one cute doctor.

Celeste, focus.

"Thanks, what do you want to do when you get out of here?"

"Oh, me?" I contemplated telling him the truth. "I...want to be a model."

"Woah, that's so chill." He said with a genuine smile. I never noticed before but he had dimples on only his right cheek.

We arrived at my dorm hall and stood outside the doors. "Yeah, I know it's going to be hard though." I added.

He moved his eyebrows slightly. "Yeah but you can definitely do it." He started to rub his hand behind his neck. "You already have the looks down."

I could feel the heat rising up to my cheeks as he said the last part. "Thanks." I walk up to my dorm and unlock it with my keys. I look back at him to see his eyes traveling down my body."I'll see you around, Reese."

He locked eyes with mine and smiled. "Night, Celeste."

I closed the door behind me and smile. Reese will definitely be around more often. I look at my phone for the time to see a string of text from Hayden already.

Call me, ASAP!!
You better not be partying without me.
I'm seriously gonna kill you.

I groan from exhaustion and threw my phone on my nightstand. Hayden's rant will have to be postponed until tomorrow. I kick my shoes off and plop down on my bed. It's not as comfortable as home but it will suffice. I lean over to the nightstand and grab my phone to start an alarm for my 8.a.m. class.

Oh, how fun.

Before I knew it my eyelids grew heavier and heavier. I stop fighting the urge to sleep and rest my eyes before I went into a deep sleep.


"!Ay dios mio! Get the hell up!" Mar grunted from her bed. A hard pillow connected with my head as she shook me to get up.

"Hm? What happened?" I responded slowly as I came to my senses. My alarm was screeching in the background.

"You missed your alarm five times, you idiot." Mar hissed as she settled back into her bed.

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