💼 Jax 💼

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After getting Scott yesterday we got home later than I had planned so we both just crashed when we got back. So I decided today that I would take him on a tour of the town. First we go to the mall and look around. I notice that there are more shops then I remember there being. We got to the golf club, the race track and tourism shop. For a smaller city it seems to do pretty good. For lunch we decide to go to the diner.

"I thought you said the diner was old and run down. This place looks alive and well." Scott says as we entered the diner.

"That was before I saw the transformation. It used to have checkered floors and red walls it was kind of outdated."

"Good on your dad. This place looks ballin."

"Please don't ever say that again."

"So when are you going to introduce me to the waitress girl?" He asks as we are seated. I glare at him as I can see the waitress, Tara I believe is her name, is now listening to our conversation.

"Never as far as I'm concerned." I mutter and he glares at me. We sit in our booth and order our drinks. As Tara leaves I turn to him. "She was listening you idiot. I don't need anyone knowing that I like her okay."

"That you like her?" He raises an eyebrow.

"Trust me you would understand if you could see her."

"Well you said she's almost always here so point her out to me." I sigh but I guess if it gets him to shut up I will. My eyes scan the diner looking for the familiar brunette. I look left and right but I don't see her anywhere.

"Hey Mr. Harding how are you today?" Rory asks me.

"I'm doing great Rory. Is Samara working today?" I ask him and he looks confused. "Ah Sam." I correct myself.

"No she has the day off." I hear Scott scoff probably annoyed. I shake my head at him before turning back to Rory.

"Oh um Rory this is my friend Scott. Scott this is the man that runs this beautiful diner." I tell him and they exchange a handshake.

"That's actually what I wanted to talk to you about. Would we be able to have a word in the office?" He asks.

"I'll come after my meal Rory and we will discuss it then." I tell him and he nods understanding.

"Perfect. I look forward to it. Enjoy your meal Mr Harding." Rory walks away and Scott turns to me.

"Wow Mr boss-man stepping up. Look at you all in charge and stuff." Scott mocks me and I glare at him as a smirk pulls at my lips. I'm not going to lie being in charge had its perks and it is a lot of work but I'm finding myself enjoying it.

"Shut up asshat." I finally let myself smirk.

"Can I grab your order?" A new waitress, Indy I think, asks placing the drinks on our table. We order and as she is leaving Scott gives me a look.

"Which one is that?"

"I believe that is Indy." I tell him.

"Saucy isn't she?" He asks but I don't think I've ever noticed. Probably because when I'm here I'm usually preoccupied by a different waitress.

"Sure." I agree just to end the conversation. We talk about him and Lola for almost the rest of the meal. I send him back to the house as I have my meeting with Rory.

"Hello Mr Harding."

"Hey Rory what did you want to discuss?" I ask him taking the spot behind the desk. He closes the door before he sits in the chair on the other side of the desk.

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