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Welcome to Yokohama, Japan.
This is a city with many inhabitants, all oblivious to the evil walking their very streets.

This is a fine city, but the deeper you keep walking the more likely you are to come across a certain evil, in a certain bar

"Tomu I'm booooored~" You whined

"Go on a killing spree then" said Tomura with annoyance

You and your brother Tomura Shigaraki are currently at the league of villains hideout.  He is sitting on a bar stool while you're hanging upside down from the couch.

"Hmmmm I really shouldn't, but I should, but I can't. Wait who says I can't. I love the blood! I want to see more blood!" You stand up and start skipping towards the exit

Before you were able to step out a voice stopped you
"Now now y/n. You shouldn't be so rash"

You turned and see All For One on the screen

"But master~ I want to go kill some people! And Mr.Kurogiri isn't here to entertain me!" You pouted.

"I understand, but you have been on a murderous rampage for the last couple of days. More pro hero's are now on high alert. We can't risk you getting caught. Now can we?"

You just rolled your eyes " As if I'll ever let myself get caught by those posers. I've never been caught and  even if I was..." you tackle your brother to the ground
"My beloved brother Tomu would rescue me! Right brother?"

"If I say yes will you get off"

You're eyes started glowing red and you smiled sadistically "Only if you mean it~"

He smirked "Then yes"

You eyed him suspiciously before sighing and letting go "looks like you told the truth Dear brother~"

"Of course I did dear sister~ I couldn't lie to you even if I wanted to"

You start to laugh like a madman. It was true he couldn't lie to you. No one could actually.It's not like they had a choice anyway. It was all part of your quirk. Well one of them, there was three in total if you count your shared quirk with your brother. You and shigaraki are twins which gave you two a rare type of twin quirk. Telepathy.You had two main ones while your brother had one. 

"When is Mr. Kurogiri coming back? I miss him~" you pouted while sitting crosslegged on the floor.

"And I'm sure he misses you too and should be back any moment" responded All for One.

"YAY!!! I can't wait to tell him about my most recent killing!" You cheered while taking out one of your hidden knives. You started to twirl it in your hand, but the blade accidentally made contact with your skin and left a small cut.

You held up your hand "Awww how haven't I noticed my knives aren't sharp anymore. It should've at least made me bleed"

You took out another hidden knife and started to sharpen them by sliding them together at a quick pace.

"Hmmm Kurogiri should be back by now" you heard your brother mutter while scratching his neck.

"Where is he anyway? Causing trouble? Killing people? No he wouldn't go killing without me, right?! Yeah!" You kept talking to yourself which started to annoy your brother.

"Shut it you brat. Your voice is annoying" muttered Tomura

"Well your neck scratching is just disgusting" you snapped back at him.

He stood up and stuck his hand in front of you "You wanna fight?!"

You stood up too while pointing your knife at him "What are you gonna do about it huh~?"

You guys lunged at each other, but before either of you could get a hit many small portals appeared around the bar causing your arms to go through them instead of hitting your target.

"I leave for a few hours and you two try to kill each other"

You turned around and jumped in joy " Mr.Kurogiri! You're finally back!!! Why'd you leave me with this meanie~?" You Asked while pointing to Tomura who was flipping you off.

He bowed "My apologies dear y/n , but I had to go and get our new members."

Hmm new members? You thought

Kurogiri stepped aside and inside walked a girl and a boy.

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