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Sehun woke up abruptly, sweating; concern and paralysing fear engulfing him. The familiar shadows were closing in on him and the whispers turning into unbearable screams. He tried to call for help, but no sound came out of his mouth, he tried to get up, to get away from the shadows, but he was stuck. There was no way of escaping this, this time he couldn't run, the shadows would finally get him.

Sehun woke up abruptly, sweating; concern and paralysing fear engulfing him. It always went like this, everynight Sehun woke up and wouldn't be able to move, every single time the nightmares came to him swallowing him hole and leaving him with nothing and then he would wake up again, for real this time. It happened every night and it was exhausting.  

He stared at the dark nothingness of the room: 4.03am yelled the numbers on his phone, almost as if mocking him.

Feeling his throat coarse as consequence of the horrible images, he got up to get a glass of water. As soon as he got out of the bed he regretted it. Everything felt cold, his legs were like jelly, his hands were numb and all he could see was a white curtain blurring his vision. He wouldn't make it too far in this state, he knew it it had happened before and he had learnt the signs, so he let himself fall back on the bed.

Sehun calmed down his breathing and tried to go back to sleep counting sheep. The irony was not lost on him.


When Sehun woke up the next morning it felt as if a train and the entire crowd of the Elyxion had ran over him. He was not being dramatic, ¡he swears!, because even if he likes -loves- to be babied, Oh Sehun hates to complain when it comes to the real deal. So when Sehun woke up that morning he felt excruciating pain but he also got up and acted as if there was nothing wrong, even though everything was wrong.

Over breakfast Chanyeol was, of course, the first one to point it out. Loudly.

"What's with the frowny face? Bad dreams last night?"

"I'm not frowning." Sehun answered, only deepening his frown as he tried to ignore the question.

"Yes, you are! What's wrong? Common, tell hyung what's bothering you."

"Nothing." Sehun's mood turning more sour by the second.

"Commee ooon t-"

"Is this about Lay hyung?". Jongdae interrupted Chanyeol's whining and he regretted it immediately.

As soon as the words reached his ears, Sehun's face went completely blank and he excused himself from the table, quickly and silently making his way to his room. The remaining 7 awaited for a door slamming or some other dramatic act that gave them any indication on the youngest's mood, but it never came. 

This was bad...


It wasn't a secret to the members that the youngest had been suffering in silence for the past year. It wasn't a secret and they also sort of expected it.

When Yixing had to leave, things were complicated to say the least. Yes Xing was due to debut as a soloist, but nobody ever expected the political situation between China and Korea to escalate so intensely, forcing Lay to stay away for so long.

It hurt all nine of them but they knew it was worst for Sehun.

After Luhan and Tao left, Sehun and Yixing's bond grew and they got very close. For outsiders, the relationship never appeared to be of great importance, but for anyone who knew them it was more than obvious that when they were together they were really together. Yixing felt a responsability towards the maknae and Sehun was terrified to let the chinese roam too far from his sight. 

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