Chapter 3

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A/N: Really quick! Sorry for taking awhile to update I was on vacation visiting family but I'm back! I'll be posting another authors note soon to inform you on some things coming up that will explain a possible delay on new chapters 😬 stay tuned! Make sure you follow me so I can update you on stuff too :)


Songs that inspired me for this chapter:

Grand Piano by Nicki Minaj

Whatsername by Green Day


Enjoy :)

"You're gonna do great today Liyah, don't even worry."

This morning was hectic. Mostly because I was running late but hey! I'm not used to waking up before noon so this was a big change for me. But being the awesome aunt and the best friend ever, I was able to get my niece dressed and made her some scrambled eggs and bacon before taking off.

During the 15 minute drive to the elementary school Aaliyah was bouncing up and down to the Disney CD I popped in and was talking about how excited she was to be going, but as the school came into view she suddenly got quiet. We pulled into the school parking lot with 10 minutes until the bell rang. Finding a spot and putting the car in park, I leaned over and rotated my body to look at the nervous 5 year old.

She was staring out the window with wide eyes. Her hair was done neatly into her infamous space buns, she had on the bedazzled jean jacket she decorated with her mom and wore black leggings, kicking her feet anxiously together causing her sneakers to light up.

My heart took a dive and I wanted to snuggle up to my niece and tell her that it's gonna be okay. But I didn't want to baby her, that's usually what aunts do and I didn't want to be like that. I wanted her to know that everything is gonna be okay and to be strong.

I smiled warmly at her when she finally faced me.

"Come on let's go."


Not even 5 minutes of me trying to be an adult, I got us lost. I held in the deep sigh I desperately wanted to release as we wandered around the obnoxiously large elementary school trying to find Aaliyah's classroom.

The hallways were emptying as parents left each room with tear filled eyes, but I couldn't find Aaliyah's. I wanted to ask one of them but I didn't want to seem like a dumbass in front of strangers or my niece who was following me with a tight grip on my hand.

I frowned pulling out the slip of paper Normani gave me this morning with the class number on it.


I almost jumped up in excitement when I see it at the end of the hall. A row of low hanging hooks for the children's backpacks are along the wall. It's cute, their names were printed on top and I spotted my niece's name in the middle so I knew we were at the right class. I hope.

The classroom was noisy to the point we could hear it while we approached but a tug on my hand stopped me in the middle of the doorway, I raised a brow and turned to see Aaliyah with a frantic look on her face as tears began pooling in the corner of her eyes.

No no no no.

I crouched down in front of her, and held both of her small hands.

"Liyah," I spoke softly. "What's wrong?"

Her bottom lip jutted out, "what if the kids don't like me?"

"They're gonna love you. If some don't then fu-" I cleared my throat. "Then just ignore them, okay? You're gonna do great and before you know it, you're gonna love it and have a bunch of friends." She nodded slowly looking down at her shoes.

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