Pain (Temporary Name)

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A/N: This is a story I have decided to put here after a long convo with a friend, and after editing some of the worse language that was in it.


Draft of 'Pain' 07/06/12

Sylas' POV

The flash of the lights in the pitch dark made me squint as I looked up, out of the ditch I'd been ran off the rode on my motorbike into. The bike landed on me and held me to the cold wet dirt that lay in the ditch, the bike was very heavy and I knew I couldn't hold it for very long, if at all. The pain first hit my legs as the bike squished them to the wet ground underneath me. I felt like I was being stood on my a truck, my ribs ached badly as I saw two men in uniform jump into the ditch beside me.

"One injured man, maybe twenty... if that, bad injury to the left thigh and shin, bleeding heavily, possible internal damage." one guy reported into his two way transmitter. 

"Bike seems to be crushing lower body, heavy impact to the legs, patient moaning in agony," he also reported. Immediate ambulance arrival to hospital..."

The pain was getting to the point where I thought that I might get sick, my stomach turned as two other firemen jumped into the ditch. They all grabbed the bike, lifting slightly so they could slide it off of me, I felt the when the weight of the machine had been removed from my legs, it had been like a serious relief, pain had lessened almost immediately, but then the blood was flowing to the wounds. I knew that soon the areas where the wounds were, were going to start hurting badly enough to make me sickly.

The men all grabbed a board, usually used to transfer patients to a gurney, and slid it slowly underneath me. I feel the warmth of the board touch my back, my own blood starts to trickle from my thigh and off onto the board. All of the men maneuver the board underneath me so as they can move me without much hassle. I feel the strength of the men as they lift my 130-140lb body into the air and out of the ditch, my bike still lay in the ditch, on the cold ground. I was immediately put onto the gurney and strapped on, and lifted into the ambulance, it was tight, but there was enough room for the paramedics to maneuver nicely.

One of the medics grabbed a bunch of gauze from a blue bin that lined the inside of the ambulance wall, the other whose reddish stubble glistened in the lights overhead began to run a IV drip, and began to prep the oxygen mask. After grabbing the gauze and wrapping it around my thigh, and shin, the medic started everything else with the pulse and blood pressure check. This guy was larger and older than the other, by at least twenty years and worse dark rimmed glasses that sat upon his nose, his hair was a greyish black and his eyes were calm as he proceeded to help with the IV drip.

The pain suddenly hit with force, as the medics checked the area I knew were sore, and then they checked other areas and the pain was immense. I moaned out in pain as the larger of the two applied pressure to my lower left leg, he looked at it with concern. The driver of the ambulance soon drove faster as the two medics reported that the travel be a fast one due to my injuries. I tried not to struggle, but alas the pain was making me feel like a rabid animal that was caged and scared.

The oxygen was placed over my face, the rubber around the mask stunk as I tried to relax and breathe it in and keep myself from screaming. The light of the ambulance was starting to fade, my eyelids were starting to get heavy, I blinked heavily, and then the smaller of the two started yelling at me to stay awake.

"Hey! Hey, stay with us, stay with me kid..... he's passing out Trevor, hurry up!" he said. 

"I'm already doing eighty Ben," the guy replies. 

"Hurry it up," the larger guy demanded.  

"Working on it Frank..." the guy shouted as the room got dark and my eyelids closed.

Frank's POV

The kid was in bad shape, his left leg was fractured in three places and he had two ribs broken, the blood that had caked onto his side was from the wound on his right arm, when the bike had landed on him, it had made his arm flail backward and he had a bone protruding from his arm. Ben was rushing about through the ambulance as I tried to wake the kid up, he had his wallet with him, and it had a bunch of cards in it, medicare, license, ID; but no cash. His name was Sylas Xavier Rayner, I knew him, but not well.

Ben had finally got him to open his eyes, Sylas was losing blood fast, and had already lost a bunch before we had got to him, by the looks of him. His eyes are open, but he's not too responsive... he acts as though he is rather slow, the pain was likely unbearable. He started to mumble, it was very unclear to me if he was trying to talk, or if he was just moaning in pain. I knew that after we arrived at the hospital, he was going to be there a good long while before they would even think of sending him home.

"Trevor, how close?" I ask referring to how long until we were at the hospital. 

"I'm turning into the emergency area now," he replied. 

"Alright then," I answered. 

"Good stuff." Ben said.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2012 ⏰

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