we know them!😒

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lisa pov :

"i know you won't let jungkook and lisa to get suspended! ...they have to behave they are the brightest kids of our university....i hope you will handle them both !...it's really so shameful to see them fighting!...".

and that was the blast! given by principal to our unnies and oppas!....

jennie unnie said "I'm really sorry! ma'am on behalf of my sister lisa!... i guarantee you that this won't happen again right lisa!".

she then looked at me!....
angrily...oh! dammn!..

i said "yes! ma'am I'm really sorry!".

yoongi oppa said " jungkook will behave from now on!...I'm sorry for his bad behavior!".

kookie said "im sorry! ma'am ".

principal said "okay! you all may leave now!".


outside the principal's office!...
i said " unnies they are jungkooks brother  ....and oppa they are my sisters".

"we know them" they both said in unison!....

jungkook and me "what?".

jisso unnie laughed and said " we know that they are your brothers because we just met in the principal office!...right!".

jhope oppa said "yeah! Right!".


i said "so why don't we have eat together ....?".

jungkook said " yess! lisa bring your unnies! for dinner! tonight!...but before please get rid off that dirty eggs!.you smell so gross!".

well i really smell so bad...

i said "okay! deal!..".


skip to dinner time.

jennie pov :
"unnie should we tell her!"...

"nooo! it's not the time!... let's see what happens at the dinner!...".

"unnie i really can't bear to be with them...i hate them!".

"unnie who do you hate?" lisa said!....shot!.

i said "noo! i said i hate being late let's go!".

lisa "okay! let's goo!".


well they have a good house but ours is better!..

we are right Now siting at their dining table!...

how much i hate them!...

"unnie i forgot to tell you  their names!" lisa said!...

lisa "unnie he is namjoon oppa he is the eldest and wise.".

WTF namjoon!...new name! huh!..

lisa "unnie he is taehyung! he is always smiling and he is so nice!".

seems like everyone has different names!...
nice my ass!..

lisa"unnie he is jin oppa he cooks very tasety food and he is like the lovable eomma! haha!".

lovable😒 ..jin.!.
new name!.

lisa "unnie he is jimin oppa he is sibling to jungkook and jhope oppa!..
jimin oppa is very funny and cute and jhope oppa is like our hopes and is really a sunshine!".

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